Chapter 1

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I looked down at the city with busy crowd and vehicles from my office building. I then fixated my gaze at the crumpled pieces of paper on the desk that were scattered all around. I then looked at the one page of paper where I had drawn a design for a dress. I looked at it again before throwing it into the heap of crumpled papers on my desk. I then rested my head on the transparent window with tears rolling down my eyes. My throat was choked because of holding tears back in.

"Chaeryeong I-"
I looked at the source of voice that came into my cabin. It was Yuna, my assistant and my best friend from university.

She walked upto me with sympathetic expressions and quickly pulled me into a hug and I bursted into tears.

"Why do you still blame yourself!"
Yuna said but I only cried. That was my way of punishing myself for hurting him, hurting the love of my life.

"Why not..,"
I said with my voice muffled in the hug as Yuna quickly parted away and wiped my tears off.

"Today's the day when I first met him...."
I said as Yuna lowered her head.

"You've an important meeting Chaer."
She said hesitantly while I just smiled bitterly.

"Cancel it."
I said firmly and left the cabin as fast as I could. I walked out of the building as fast as I could and sat inside my car and drove it off as fast as I could. Memories flashed before my eyes while driving making my vision blurred from the tears but I managed to drive through the bustling traffic.

I finally stopped the car in front of a lake far away from the noisy pollution of city. The lake had an exquisite elegance and an irresistible beauty which always attracted me towards it. It was still as peaceful as before as I took steps towards it.


Meanwhile, a sports car had just entered the Seoul city. It was being driven so fast that people would glance at the car once. Just then, a girl was crossing the road and as soon as she was about to reach at the other end of the road, the same sports car came running towards her. That girl was so startled that she fell down on her place but luckily, the sports car stopped a few meters away from the girl who was still thinking that her life is about to end and then, the window rolled down revealing a guy wearing sunglasses and a smug smile. The girl looked at her shopping bag which was under the wheels of the sports car. The guy looked at the girl who was still in shock as he threw a card at her and she picked it up realising it's his business card.

"I'll give you the money! Contact me later but I've to go now!"
The guy said and drove off quickly leaving all the smoke from the car while girl was coughing as her hands were gripped tightly on the Business card.

The same guy looked at a mansion right in front of his eyes with a smile. He quickly parked the car in the parking lot and got out of the car with a big smile. He had now removed his glasses too. A tall brunette guy was walking towards the big mansion gate with excitement evident on his face.

"Chaeryeong! Babyyy! Darling!"
The guy started yelling as soon as he entered the mansion.

"I'm back darling! Did you miss me?"
He again yelled but there was no response. His steps were following the stairs and he finally stopped in front of a room with a big grin. He opened the room but again faced disappointment as he found no one there.

"Beomgyu? Is it you?"
The guy turned around to the source of voice calling out his name.

Meanwhile Chaeryeong who was sitting on the bench near the lake got disturbed when her phone started ringing. She looked at her phone and saw one of the maids calling her.

"What is it?"
Chaeryeong asked.

"Ma'am, someone's here."
She replied making Chaeryeong confused.

"Who's there?"
She again asked.

"It's a guy, he's calling you...he's calling you names."
The maid seemed a bit hesitant and now Chaeryeong was getting frustrated.

"What kind of names?!"
Chaeryeong asked in frustration.

"He's calling you baby...darli-"
Before she could continue, Chaeryeong hung up the call.

"Who even trespasses with that much audacity?"
She said to herself and started dialing a number. As soon as the person picked up the call, Chaeryeong started speaking.

"Uncle Kim! Some stranger broke into the mansion and you-"
Chaeryeong was speaking until she got interrupted by Uncle Kim, the housekeeper.

"Princess, it was Beomgyu!"
The housekeeper said making Chaeryeong's eyes widen in shock.

"I'm sorry, Who?!"
She again asked to confirm but the housekeeper said the same thing.

"Even I didn't believe it at first but he was actually here!"
Uncle Kim said with happiness.

"I'm on my way!"
Chaeryeong said in excitement but again stopped when she heard the housekeeper.

"But he just left, he seemed to be in a hurry too."
The housekeeper asserted while Chaeryeong just stood there confused.

"I'll call you later Uncle."
Saying that, she hung up the call and looked at the lake.

After a while, she had a photo of two children playing in mud on her phone. She was smiling lightly towards the photo. Her sadness now faded but it still was evident somewhere on her face.

"Gyu, you finally came back after twenty years!"
She said with excitement but her mind wenf back to what housekeeper said. Beomgyu left just within few minutes of entering the mansion.

"Something happened I guess."
She said as she closed her eyes and let the cold breeze hit her milky white skin.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu had just returned to a presidential suite he had booked earlier with something in his hands. It seemed to be a diary. He then sat down on the couch staring at the diary he found at Chaeryeong's bedroom. As he opened the diary, he straight up opened the last page and as his eyes fell on it, he started reading some of the last pages. The crinkled pages were now full of tears that were flowing down through his face.

"Can't believe you had to go through all that Chaer."

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