Chapter 3

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Recap :"This is Shin Ryujin, Compassion's model."

Ryujin smiled and walked towards Beomgyu and bowed a little. Beomgyu motioned his hand forward for a handshake to which she shook her hand with him.

"Nice to meet you sir!!"
She said with excitement.

"Nice to meet you too Ms. Shin!"
Beomgyu said with the same level of enthusiasm. He squinted his eyes trying to remember where he had seen this familiar face.

"So, how was your day?"
Beomgyu asked to which Ryujin squinted her eyes and titled her head.

"Is this man really sane? Why's he asking me that?"
She thought.

"Oh! I just asked you that to make you comfortable. It would've been too sudden to talk about work!"
Beomgyu said while sensing Ryujin's thoughts.

"Oh god! Was it too obvious?"
She again thought.

"Oh, my day was not so good."
Ryujin said after remembering something and rolling her eyes.

"What happened?"
Beomgyu asked as he rested his back on the nearest wall while folding his arms.

"I almost got into an accident today due to that rich brat! Who was it again?! Yes, that brat threw a card at me!"
Ryujin said as she started to search for something inside her pocket as Beomgyu was left stunned. He finally recalled where he had seen that girl.

"Vrit Enterprises......."
Ryujin read out the name out loud but her words somehow stopped and she looked at Beomgyu in shock who seemed to be embarrassed.

She completed and blinked twice.

*Silence, cricket sound*

"That brat was unfortunately me. I'm really sorry!"
Beomgyu apologised while lowering his head but Ryujin just started walking away.

"Wait Ms. Ryujin!"
Kai said to which Ryujin stopped but didn't turn around.

"Mr. Choi, not valuing someone's life because they're not rich as you was completely inhumane."
Saying that, she left the cabin leaving both Kai and Beomgyu speechless.

"What do we do now? Shall we contact some other agencies?"
Kai asked Beomgyu who was still staring at the cabin door.

"Vrit Enterprises will only work with Shin Ryujin from Compassion."
Beomgyu declared to which Kai nodded.

"Come with me Kai, we're going to baeLee Enterprises."
Beomgyu said to which Kai nodded.

"Sure sir."
Saying that, he followed Beomgyu who just left the cabin.

Both the men walked outside the huge building. Beomgyu saw Ryujin walking out of the company with faded expressions which made him even sadder.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"
Kai asked to which Beomgyu nodded. Kai noticed his approval and continued walking.

"Were you actually at the fault? About Ms. Shin's accident?"
Kai asked and now Beomgyu felt even more guilty.

"I was wrong, very wrong Kai! I didn't even ask her if she was alright! I just threw a card at her like her life didn't matter at all!"
Beomgyu vented out as he loosened his tie.

"Only if I asked if she was alright because she might have gotten injured!"
Beomgyu said to which Kai smiled lightly.

"It's good that you've realised your mistake sir!"
Kai replied with a smile.

"No it's not! Infact, I should ask her if she's alright right now!"
Saying that, he changed his tracks towards Ryujin while Kai just looked at his boss from a distance with a smile.

Beomgyu ran towards her and suddenly held her hand. Shocked by the sudden activity, Ryujin slapped Beomgyu hard which made him step a few steps back. As soon as Ryujin realised what she has done, she quickly put a hand on her mouth.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry! It was not intended! Are yout hurt?!"
She asked out of concern while Beomgyu just smiled and blinked in assurance.

"I'm sorry Ryujin, and I wanted to ask if you're alright. I know, I was a complete jerk for acting like that in such a serious situation."
Beomgyu said and now Ryujin started smiling which Beomgyu didn't notice.

"Even now, you asked if I was alright. That's some decency I lacked! But please don't let my indecency become the reason behind your denial! We really want you to advertise our brand!"
Beomgyu said without even taking any pause which made it funnier. When Ryujin saw Beomgyu's innocence, she couldn't hold her laughter in anymore as she bursted into laughter.

"Oh my god!"
She said while laughing as Beomgyu looked at her in surprise.

"You're too innocent! You think I'll back off from this amazing deal? I just left the cabin in a hurry because my head was hurting that time!"
Ryujin explained while putting her hand on her shoulder.

"But you seemed mad at me."
Beomgyu said.

"I was mad earlier but not now. You really have some guts to accept your mistake and apologise and that too when you're the owner of a company! I really am impressed Mr. Choi."
Ryujin smiled and now her unique dimples were visible to him which seemed too cute. She was looking too beautiful that Beomgyu got lost somewhere in her beauty for a while. As soon as he realised what he was doing, he scratched his nape and coughed.

"Where are you going by the way?"
Beomgyu asked.

"Going to BaeLee Enterprises!"
Ryujin replied.

"Really? Me too!"
Beomgyu said in excitement as he held her hand suddenly and then covered his cheek with his other hand remembering what happened to him earlier. He might've acted like that slap didn't hurt but only he knew how much that hurted.

"I'll not do it again! Don't worry!"
Ryujin said after noticing Beomgyu's expressions.

"Tumhara kya bharosa."
(Can't trust you with this now.)
Beomgyu said while rolling his eyes. He then walked towards the car as Ryujin followed.

Ryujin sat along with Beomgyu in the backseat and Kai was driving the car. Ryujin who sat inside a luxurious car for the first time, was looking at it like a curious kid. She even jumped on her seat slightly to check it's comfort.

"Luxury cars hit different!"

Ryujin said but as she noticed Beomgyu's expressions, she sat down quietly. Beomgyu smiled slightly and then looked in front.

"Why are you going to BaeLee Enterprises by the way?"
Beomgyu asked.

"My younger sister works there. She's the assistant of the CEO."
Ryujin replied.

"Chaeryeong's assistant?"
Beomgyu said to which Ryujin nodded.

"Why are you going there?"
Ryujin asked the same question and now Beomgyu's eyes sparked with joy.

"Going to meet someone special. After a really long time!"

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