Chapter 11: Bright ideas

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It had been about a week since Adam showed up at the hotel and even though the hotel had now been open for around 7 months AND they fought with heaven there was still no new residents aside from Cherri and Adam. Nobody was awake yet for the most part and Alastor headed downstairs to get some coffee and ended up finding Charlie half asleep at the table with a notebook that had a bunch of scribbled out things on it. Charlie hadn't noticed him entering the kitchen and he leaned down so his face was next to hers

A: Good morning Charlie!


Charlie still hadn't noticed him until that point causing him to startle her and almost fall out of her chair. Alastor couldn't help but laugh a bit since that was his intention the whole time.

C: Oh hey Alastor.

Alastor looked down at the notebook then at Charlies face, it was clear she hadn't slept much

A: What is this exactly?

C: Ugh I'm trying to come up with ways to attract more sinners to the hotel but I can't think of anything

Alastor grabbed his "Oh deer" mug before starting to make some coffee

A: Perhaps I could help you

Charlie picked her head up from it's previous spot in her arms

C: You want to help out!? Thanks so much Al!

They sat there for a while bouncing ideas off each other before eventually Lucifer came down to make some breakfast for everyone. He smiled upon seeing the two get along so well, it was a nice morning and he was happy to just be cooking and talking to the two he loved most. It felt weird to him to think that about someone again, after Lilith left he swore to himself he wouldn't fall in love again but yet here he was... what was even weirder though is why Alastor was helping in the first place? When he first met him it seemed like he could give less of a fuck about the place but now he wanted to help with it? It was hard to wrap his head around why that might be but he decided to just ask later and focus on the conversation for now. 

A: Hmmm maybe we could host some sort of party? More like a ball than anything

C: Ooo I like that! What do you think Dad?

L: That seems like something that would interest a lot of people actually! Nice idea Al!

Charlie began to stand up

C: I should go tell the others!

L: Well maybe before you tell them the plan you could tell them that breakfast is ready

Lucifer placed a plate of pancakes in the centre of the table, each a different fun shape. As Charlie went to go get everyone Alastor and Lucifer started to set the table. Since they were alone now would be the perfect time for Lucifer to mention how Alastor was helping out and how it was kind of odd yet there was one small issue

he forgot

Alastor on the other hand did quite the opposite and started to think about how close he was getting to everyone... this wasn't apart of his plan at all especially not falling love with Lucifer. He realised how off track he ended up getting with all of this and it scared him a bit to think about the consequences he might face for this. He tried not to show it but his ears betrayed him and drooped down. Lucifer noticed his ears droop down and decided to ask about it (and this mf still didn't remember what he planned to ask earlier somehow)

L: Hey you good Al?

A: Hm? Yes I'm fine why wouldn't I be?

L: Your ears are drooped down

Alastor realised that his ears were down and quickly came up with an excuse for it

A: Oh that, I was just thinking about how Adam is staying here now. That annoying thing better not do anything or I will NOT hesitate to rip him apart limb by limb

L: Fair enough, and also agreed

Lucifer still felt like something was a bit off with Alastor but decided not to pry


after a few minutes Charlie came back to the kitchen, everyone else following behind her including Adam, though he looked just as annoyed that he was at the hotel as Alastor and Lucifer. Everyone was talking and making jokes and it brought a smile to Charlie's face to think that maybe this could work if she tried hard enough. 

After everyone had finished they all said how good it was and how Lucifer was a surprisingly good cook, Adam only saying an "It was fine I guess" despite the fact he clearly enjoyed it too. Everyone headed to the main lobby ready to hear whatever the days activity was

C: Alright so today's activity is going to be a biiit different. The hotel has been open for 7 whole months now and we still don't have any new residents for the most part soooo after some thinking we now have an idea of what exactly we are going to do to try and fix that!

V: Is that why you never came to bed last night?

C: Okay I may have stayed up all night BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! The point is we are going to be hosting a ball that will be open to any and all sinners!

AD: Any sinners?

C: Let me rephrase that, any sinners except the vees

AD: Thank god, for a sec I thought I would have to deal with Val

A: Well it's good to know that Vox won't be showing up either

L: Does everyone here just hate the vees or something?

C: Pretty much yeah. But back to the main topic, for today's activity you will all need to get an outfit for it. Just something nice, there won't really be a theme to it or anything so just get what you think would look nice! 

Everyone was given some money to pay for the clothes before they all split up. Cherri and Angel went together taking Husk with them, Charlie and Vaggie went together, Alastor and Lucifer went "Separately" so they could raise less suspicion and Adam went by himself purely to get away from Nifty who hadn't been paying attention. Charlie noticed that Nifty wasn't leaving after Adam had already gone and re explained it to her so it ended up working out in the end and everyone left the hotel.

(1050 words) GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCHES!!! You kinda already knew that because you just read the chapter BUT STILL! Funny how while writing this I'm currently listening to Radio Play (If you don't get how that's funny it's because one of the lines is "I'm back and I'm beaming, the radio demons in town" Idk I thought it was funny) Anyway I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR SO LONG but I should be back to posting chapters now and if not I am likely either taking another short break or working on a new fic I have "Dancing With the Devil"! It is a sort of human au radioapple fic that I have wanted to write for quite some time and if you haven't checked it out yet I would appreciate it if you did! not forcing obviously, anyway I'll see you soon! Until next time sinners!

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