20: Scramble

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SMUT ALERT! Don't read Harry's P.O.V if you don't want smut!

The plane ride was nice and when I finally got to England it was four in the morning and I assumed Harry was not awake yet but nonetheless I was still going to go to the address he had given me before the plane had taken off.

I was walking out of the airport when I felt someone start walking besides me. I started getting paranoid and tried to walk faster but my luggage was holding me back. So many thoughts started crossing my mind 'what if I get kidnapped and hold ransom? What if they're following me for Harry? Will I see Harry again? What if -'.

"Miss I'm here to help you", the strong intimidating man said.

"I'm good," I mumbled.

"Miss Lambert, I'm here to help you. You can trust me."

When he mentioned my last name I stopped to hear him out, and to see if I could trust him. Stranger danger right?

"Who are you? How do you know my name? My last name I mean". I asked keeping my guard up.

"Harry sent me, I'm you're bodyguard. We didn't know you were going to arrive this soon so please excuse me for being somewhat late. I had planned to wait all the necessary days for you but word got out that you were here already."

"Oh ok sorry for running away", I said with embarrassment.

" I wouldn't call it running Miss", he said with a grin,"may I help you know?".

"Yeah, sure, of course. Sorry. My name Azalea but you can call me Lea, what about you?", I asked while we both accommodated our self with my luggage.

"My name is John Green".

"Oh like the author! I'm not going to lie but, that's pretty cool".

"Yeah just like the author but you can call me Joe. It sounds more masculine don't you think?".

" I guess it sounds more bodyguard-ly", I said laughing at my own joke. Joe laughed too but I think it was more of a pity laugh because my joke wasn't even funny.

"Sorry, I'm kind of sleepy and my jokes aren't that good". I don't know why I was apologizing about everything.

"Don't worry Harry's jokes are worst...not that yours are bad. I mean I'm sure you tell good jokes when you're fully awake." Joe said making me chuckle.

"Yeah I'm funny", well I was feeling a bit cocky this morning. "Where are we going?", I asked Joe once we were in the elegant car.

"Harry's place." He said starting the car.

"I don't want to wake him up yet. I'm tired", I whined.

"There's plenty of rooms in his house Azalea you can just stay in one of the many rooms, and I don't think you have anywhere else to stay."

"That's true but will he know I'm there? Because I promised to play with him to make him feel better when I got here."

"Play with him? Like what?", oh snap what did I say?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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