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Lea's P.O.V

I always thought I could handle alcohol and I know that I was acting a little different tonight but in all honesty I wasn't that drunk. Yes I know I kissed Harry and that I stripped my clothes off, I knew what I was doing. I must admit that at the begging I did surprise myself by confronting smurf girl and saying I was Harry's girlfriend but after that kiss I magically sobered up (for the most part).

Now here I was having a good time with Harry in the pool.

"Lea we should go back inside its getting kinda cold",he said shivering in his wet clothes.

"Yeah sure I was getting a little pruney in here anyway",I climbed out of the pool into the chilly air and notice Harry was eating me up with his emerald eyes.

"Take a picture love, it will last longer",that caused him to blush a little. I picked my stuff up from the floor then we went back inside.

"Do you want me to get you a cab or nah?", Harry asked me with a grin.

"Nah",I said laughing with him ,"I was wondering if I could sleep with you".

"Yeah I wound love to sleep with you", he said winking at me.

"I only mean sleep so don't get all excited Styles".

"You offend me",he said pretending to be hurt by placing his hand over his heart ,"of course I only meant sleep".

We passed the room were the party was at and went to Harry's room that was located at the end of the hall.

"When is the party going to end?", I asked Harry when we reached his huge suite.

"I don't know, usually until 2 in the morning but since Louis birthday lands on a holiday then probably until tomorrow afternoon".

"Dang, you guys sure know how to party",I remarked.

"Not really mostly everyone gets wasted really fast kind of like you", he said with a smirk.

"Hey! I usually don't get wasted that fast but Ed gave me something called moonshine and let me tell you it was pretty strong".

"Moonshine huh? That's straight up liquor,why would you drink that?",he asked as he got some clothes from a closet.

"Well because my ex favorite singer gave it to me, and besides were together because of that now".

"Yeah I guess you're right, and why is he your ex favorite now?",he asked while he changed out of his wet clothes into some sweats, and this time it was my turn to stare at his handsome body covered in random tattoos that I would ask him about later. However I did look away in embarrassment when he took his pants and boxers off.

"Well your a singer and I want to be a supportive girlfriend", I said answering his question.

"Supportive girlfriend?", he said smiling from ear to ear.

"Well I mean- uh am I your girlfriend?", I said flustering.

"I think the question here is do you want to be my girlfriend?",he placed his hands on my hips and kissed my forehead.

"Yes", I said tip-toeing so that I could peck a kiss on his lips.

"Here you go", he said handing me some clothes, "so you can change into something dry".

"Thanks babe", I took the clothes and went to his bathroom.

"Hey where are you going", he asked.

"I'm going to change".

"Really Lea? I changed in front of you",he said whining.

"I didn't ask you too",I said sticking my tongue out.

I quickly changed into a black shirt and gray boxers that Harry had given me. The boxers fit me like mini shorts and the shirt reached to the top of my knee. When I went back there Harry was laid down on the bed.

"Hey surprisingly your underwear fits me good", I modeled them for him.

"You look hot", he said.

"Thanks", I said laying down next to him.

"And about the underwear I guess you have an ass and I don't", he said smacking my butt.

"Ouch, don't do that".

"Sorry babe, hey I saw you have some tattoos".

"Yeah I have eight",I said yawning.

"What are they?", he asked running his fingers through my hair making me more drowsy.

"A dream catcher, an arrow, five chevron arrows and a boat's steering wheel".

I heard Harry ask me something else but I was already falling into a deep sleep.

A/N  so I wasn't going to update today but I did because it was Harry's birthday! Excuse me for the short chapter but don't forget to vote and comment and the next chapter might just be dedicated to you.

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