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"Shh, it's ok", Harry said rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry", I said trying to regain myself, "but anyways.  When we were on our way we got a flat tire in the express-way the tire just popped and we were going really fast,  Caleb lost control of the car and the car flipped." I was shaking all over and full on crying. So much for trying to stay calm.

"Someone called 911 but the help did't come quick. Caleb was bleeding a lot from his head and he-he had broken glass everywhere and I couldn't do anything because my seat belt was jammed. I only got some cuts from the glass but Caleb d-died and the last thing he told me before he left was. 'Don't worry baby,everything is going to be fine. Just promise me that you'll chase your dreams, do it for me and don't forget that I love you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me'.

It was my fault you know, if it weren't for me and my ridiculous, childish dream of being famous he would still be here. We could've been married. You wanna know why?", I turned to face Harry and he just looked back at me with pity in his eyes, like my parents had done and like so many other people had done, as if I were a dying animal.

"Because he proposed to me at prom. Just a few months before the accident", I numbly said, I had stop crying but my eyes were still red and swollen.

"I was in a depression for about two years. My parents didn't help they thought Caleb was a bad influence, but Chris never gave up on me she helped me so much. She even chose to major in psychology to help me,  and she did." God was I great full for Christian she was the only one who didn't leave me even though she could have.

"Wow", Harry whispered.

"She almost broke up with Aron because he thought she was spending too much time with me, and that's why he doesn't really like me", I said with a sly grin.

"Aron is an ass", he said and I just nodded in response.

"Taylor was my worst relationship.",he said with a sigh I just look over to him with confusion. "You asked me what my worst relationship was, remember?".

"Oh yeah, but it's ok if you don't want to tell me-".

"Its fine I made you tell me and I think I owe it to you",he said cutting me off.

"Alright then. What happened?".

"At first me and Taylor were just going out to gain more publicity, we would hook up from time to time. We would spend so much time together she started to grow on me, it just amazed me how good of an artists she was and how she would hang out with some of her fans, she was funny and beautiful I mean she was incredible.

I thought she started to like me too because sometimes she would get jealous that girls would be swarming over me in the streets, but I was wrong she broke up with me because she said I was stealing her spotlight.

She released her new album and I guess you could say it was about me. Instead of being mad I was proud of her that she was doing so good I sent her 1989 red roses and she just got rid of them, by the way did you ever get my flower? ".

"Uh yeah, but I kind of gave it away because I didn't want it", I said with just a hint of embarrassment. Luckily Harry din't get mad but I could see a flicker of hurt cross his handsome face but he quickly smiled.

"It was because you know you were rude and stuff", I said trying to make up for it.

"It's alright, I understand. I wasn't always that rude ya know? I guess Tyler left a mark on me."

"I think were just two broken people trying to fix ourselves".

"I think so too. Maybe we can't fix ourselves, maybe we need someone to fix us",he says while playing with my hand.

"Maybe", is all I say because I was focusing in our intertwined hands.

A knock on the door startled us and caused me to jump a little. "Hey guys sorry for interrupting but Harry I need to ask you where are you sleeping?", Chris said with just her head popping through the door.

"On the floor?", he asked while looking between me and Chris.

"No I mean are you sleeping with Lea or on the couch?", Chris clarified for him.

"On the couch", I quickly butted in,"You can sleep on the couch because I kick a lot in my sleep, and the couch also has a bed and its comfortable", I said trying to amend my rudeness.

"Alright, I have extra blankets. I'll put them out for you", Chris said while giving me an odd look, but I brushed it off.

"Sounds great", Harry uttered as he stood up Chris nodded in response and left to get the blankets

"Goodnight", I said now standing in front of Harry.

"Goodnight", he whispered and rapidly bent down to give me a gentle kiss on the top of my forehead, I blushed in return. "Sorry",he said but this time it was his turn to blush.

"It's ok, you just got me by surprise", I mumbled. "Uh goodnight", I repeated not knowing what else to say fortunately Chris called Harry that his bed was ready. He smiled at me and then left to the small-ish living room where the couch was at.


Aw so may emotions! Do you guys think I should do a Christmas chapter?

Vote and comment it means a lot to me guys! You can follow me Insta @bree_kings or on Twitter @Briseyda7

*Louis's birthday is coming up guys just in case you didn't know

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