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Harry guided me through the crowd until we reached his "best mate" who also happen to be one of my favorite singers...Ed Sheeran!

" Lea, this is my best mate Ed Sheeran, and Ed this is my friend Azalea", he said introducing us.

"Harry here has told me about you nice to finally meet you Azalea", he said smiling.

"I love you! I love your music, oh my gosh I can't believe I'm getting to meet you, oh my gosh this is so- wow. I love your voice and oh wow this is amazing...I'm sorry you probably think I'm a creep", I couldn't help myself on fangirling on him but he was like my idol.

"Thanks for the love, and by the looks of it Harry, it looks like your girl like me more than you", Ed said to Harry. I looked to see Harry's reaction but he just had his usual scowl in his face.

"Whatever, come on Lea I want you to meet he rest of my band members",Harry still had his big hand wrapped around my smaller one however I didn't mind.

He greated some people who I didn't recognize and some girls, who he said were models. We finally came to a man with brown hair and pretty brown eyes and with him was a woman who appeared to be his girlfriend.

"Lea, this is Liam, my friend and band mate and that's Sophia, his girlfriend".

"Hi guys my name is Azalea but you can call me Lea, I'm Harry's friend", I said extending my hand so that they could shake it, Liam did and even gave me a smile but Sophia just looked at it like as if I was holding a dead animal.

"Babe say hi", Liam said to his rude girlfriend.

"Liam don't tell me what to do",and then in a lower voice she said,"Look at her Liam, Harry probably got her off the street or a strip club",at that moment I decided that I didn't like Sophia.

"Ehem, I'm still here and I can hear you", I bluntly said and this caused Sophia to go red and also Liam although I didn't have anything against him. "Looks like the cat got your tongue", I said not letting her off the hook sadly for me that's when Harry intervened for them.

"Lea why don't you come to meet some more people?", I turned back to Liam and Sophia," It was nice meeting you Liam and I'm sorry I can't say the same thing about your girlfriend".

I looked back at Harry and smiled at him,"Who else were we going to meet?", I asked innocently to my surprise he smiled back and guided me away from Liam and Sophia.

"I swear your just something else", Harry said with a chuckle once we were out of hearing range from them.

"I'll take that as a compliment", I said linking my arm to his. He looked down and a small smiled played over his lips,"who else were you going to show me?", I asked.

"No one really I was just helping Liam out. Don't tell anyone but I don't like Sophia either", I giggled at his comment and pretended to zip my mouth with my hand.

"Your secret is safe with me Mr. Styles".

"It better be,are you thirsty?", he asked randomly.

"Uh yeah sure".

"Wait for me on that green couch. I'll bring you something", he left but came back right away,"I forgot to ask you, what do you what to drink?", I laughed and said that I would drink whatever he was getting for himself. I went to sit at the green couch and watched how everybody talked and mingled with each other.

Some people who were more famous than others got more attention and had more people to talk to, well that's what I noticed. I was just looking around taking it all in. I saw the birthday boy and his girlfriend being all lovey dovey, then there was Niall asking people to play beer pong with him (he looked a bit tipsy already). Liam seemed to want to hug Sophia and give her a kiss but she would push him away. Everyone seemed to fit in and they seemed to enjoy it but then there was me who only had Harry who by the way was taking forever to come back.

I was feeling like a loser just sitting there in a couch in a room full of celebrities. I was brought back to reality when I felt someone sit next to me, my first thought was that it was Harry but I was taken aback when I saw Ed next to me.

"Hi", he said with a warm smile.

"Hey, nice of you to join me".

"Well I noticed you were all alone and I thought I should come over. Where's Harry?".

"Thanks and I don't know. He went to go get drinks but he never came back", I said shrugging.

"Drinks huh? Here you can have some of mine while he comes back", he handed me a red plastic cup which I took hesitantly.

"What is it?", I questioned.

"Moonshine." I've never heard of moonshine but I drank it anyways because my favorite singer gave it to me so why not.

The liquor was strong really strong. I was starting to feel extremely relaxed and dizzy. How could one cup get me so drunk right away?

"Wow, what the heck? I think I'm getting drunk alrrrready", I slurred.

"You've never had moonshine before?", Ed asked worriedly.

"Nop", I giggled I'm not sure why but it just felt right.

"Wait right here Lea don't move I'll be right back", Ed said I just felt myself nod and I laughed some more. I got up and wondered around getting a couple of looks from people that I pumped into. I saw Harry a few feet away with some girl with blue hair.

They were laughing at something and suddenly the girl kissed Harry! Right in the mouth! I felt my heart sting for some reason then I was furious at him. I couldn't stop myself from marching over to him, and when I say march I mean wobble because I didn't have much balance especially in high heels.

"Why are you kissing her Harry?!", I said pulling them apart from their kiss.

"Who is she?", the girl asked.

"I'm his girlfriend, who are you?", I didn't have any control over my words or actions because I would never say that I was Harry's girlfriend if I was sober.

"I'm Barbie."

"No, I mean what's your real name? Not your striper name or your gang name", I heard Harry chuckle besides me.

"Its Barbie", she said with annoyance.

"Oh ok. Well Barbie stay away from Harry", I was being rude...not my usual self.

"Why should I?".

"Because he's my BOYFRIEND!", I yelled making some people look our way.

"Really? That's funny because Harry said that he didn't have a girlfriend, if you really are going out kiss him", she challenged. I look at Harry who looked furious that I interrupted his make out session and probably hook up for the night AND that I was making a scene.

I grabbed Harry by the collar making him crane his head towards me and I smashed my lips against his. At first I thought that he wasn't going to kiss me back but then he did and even brought me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my waist.

I forgot all about smurf girl and just thought about how soft Harry's lips were against mine, and how he smelled so good. It felt as if when my lips met his I finally knew what happiness felt like. The happiness that I had not felt since Caleb died, I felt whole again.


Yay Vote and comment! I didn't figure out how to put the cast so I will just list it.

Azalea Rose Lambert as Lily Collins
Harry Styles as Harry Styles
Christian Hanes as Cher Lloyd
Aron Roberts as Devon Bostick
Niall Horran as Niall Horan
Louis Tomlinson as Louis Tomlinson

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