Chapter 8

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Bey's POV

"DREWWWWWW!!!!" First Lady yelled again, and I winced from the noise.

"Really Ma? You don't need to wake up Daddy." Ki said.

"Like hell I don't. Drew, come out here!" She called again.

I seriously regret trying to be sneaky but all of this could've been avoided if Ki had answered her phone. An hour after dropping them off, I came home, showered and got ready for bed but remembered we were going to FaceTime. I called so many times and sent texts that naturally I got worried. I didn't have her parents number so the only reasonable thing to do was come over to see what was up.

The kitchen was dark except for the light coming from the microwave above the stove so I thought it'd be funny sneaking up on Ki. Boy, did I get the surprise of my life touching Karen Clark Sheard.


"Karen what is it? You're yelling like you're back in Detroit." Bishop said, tying his robe.

"I'm sorry honey but this is important. Kierra, go on, tell your father." She demanded. I squeezed her hand for support cause Karen is staring at me with daggers. I'll hush until I need to step in.

"I mean, we don't have to tell him anything, we can just go back to bed, this has all been one big misunderstanding," Kierra said trying to deflect, but I just shook my head because she was only making things worse. She always makes jokes at the worst times, and this was the absolute WORST time. She didn't even act like this when I told my father we were getting married, so she must be scared out of her mind and it's making her respond this way.

"Tell me what? And what is Beyoncé doing back here? Did something happen?" He asked.

"Kierra, you're really testing my patience. Now tell your father before I have to tell him and you don't want that to happen." Karen said.

"I mean, we'd be telling him the same thing, so you can tell him since you called him down here," she said, shrugging her shoulders. My eyes widened at the exchange. I know I can be disrespectful to my Dad sometimes, but I never imagined seeing Ki act this way with hers.

"Kierra! What's the matter with you disrespecting your mother? Karen just go ahead and tell me cause clearly she's lost her mind." Bishop said.
I shook my head cause this is getting outta hand. Kierra was better off telling them straight up.

"Drew, KiKi and Beyoncé are married. Beyoncé snuck in here thinking I was Kierra when I was getting a drink and said hey wife. Then Kierra confirmed they are really married, talking about surprise." She said, still in disbelief. The whole time she was talking she was looking at me as if I had tainted her Baby Girl.

I mean, I had, many times actually, but that's besides the point.

"This gotta be a joke Karen. Surely Ki has some twisted joke for us and got Beyoncé involved." He said.

"I'm not joking about this Daddy. Bey and I have been married for a month now." Kierra said, finally snapping out of that crazy headspace she was just in.

"Karen, can you believe this? She must think we're still playing with her." He turned to look at her as she shook her head. "Whatever y'all had going on ends tonight. You WERE married but you're getting this sham of a marriage annulled come Monday morning." He added.

"Well in the state of California you can't get an annulment if you've already consummated the marriage so..yeah. It's not happening." I said. I needed to add in my two cents cause who TF is he talking to like that? Clearly not my wife and in my presence? Absolutely not.

"Oh, Lord Jesus!" Karen said, clutching her chest as she moved over to the kitchen table. "I need to sit down, cause I know I didn't hear what I thought I just heard."

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