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The song quote for this chapter is... "I'm laughing, Im crying.It feels like I'm dying.."


The night stretched on, with Gwen and Will taking refuge inside Castle Byers. Will was struggling to stay conscious, his body weakened from the strain. Gwen, on the other hand, held herself together, displaying remarkable resilience. As they sat there, thoughts swirling in their minds, they discussed potential ways to escape, but the feeling of hopelessness was starting to creep in. As Will dozed off, exhausted and weary, Gwen gently removed her dark blue zip-up jacket and draped it over him. She pulled the fabric tight around his shivering frame, trying to provide warmth in the cold and eerie surroundings of Castle Byers.

Suddenly, the sheet covering the entrance to Castle Byers rustled. A bald girl peeked in through the opening, revealing her identity as Eleven."El.. Eleven!" Gwen exclaimed, her voice filled with both relief and amazement. Without hesitation, she hurriedly got up and enveloped Eleven in a tight embrace, her arms encircling the young girl in a warm welcome.Eleven gently pulled away from Gwen's embrace, her small hands holding onto Gwen's as she spoke. "Mom says she's coming for you both. Hold on." Gwen nodded, her heart racing with hope and anticipation. Eleven nodded back before turning her attention to Will, who lay there in a weakened state. She knelt beside him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder repeating what she said to his sister "moms coming". "Hurry," Will whispered in a hushed voice, his words laden with urgency.

Gwen's heart sank as she reached out to grab Eleven's hand, but it was too late. The girl dissolved into thin air before her eyes, leaving Gwen grasping at nothing but empty space. Stunned and heartbroken, Gwen stumbled backward, her hand still extended in a fruitless attempt to hold on to Eleven."El?" "Are you still here?! Come back!" Gwen yelled out but got no response and sat back down near Will, she trusted eleven and believed for sure that mom was indeed coming.beside Jonathan owes her 20 dollar and she refuses to let him go on without paying her.

Innocent till proven...dead?//stranger things\\Where stories live. Discover now