Chapter Three: News

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I see you readers have not commented on my story. I understand that some of it is not funny or a lot of you are not fans of this Japanese show but it would mean a lot to me if you would comment below. From, QuietMusicalLoner.

Chapter Three: News

Miko walked into the penthouse where AN.JELL lived with Mr. Mabuchi in front of her. She opened the front door and poked her head inside to see all three of the boys before her.

Shu was wearing a distant look on his face, Yuki blushed as he saw how cute she looked as a female in the red dress, and Ren was scowling like he did when she left.

"Did you know about this?" Ren angrily asked as he grabbed his phone and held it up to Miko's face. Miko's eyes widened as she saw the picture of Geun-Seok and herself with the headline:


"Yes she did," Mr. Mabuchi cut in between her and Ren. "Because the girl Geun-Seok is hiding is Miko herself." Mr. Mabuchi said and Ren's eyes widened as he looked at Miko who could only nod in agreement at what the music agent was saying.

"W-what does that mean?" Yuki stuttered as he was very flustered to hear what Mr. Mabuchi just said.

Did Miko have a boyfriend?

"It means that Geun-Seok knows I am a girl." Miko said before walking off to her bedroom. She looked at the boys with a sad frown before closing the door.

Yuki frowned at the closed door with Miko's name on it. Why was Miko being so secretive to him and the guys? Did she not trust them anymore or was she realizing she wouldn't be with them forever?

Ren growled at the room where the girl he liked was. Why was Pig-Bunny being so weird and why did she look so sad before she closed the door? He pouted as he realized he couldn't yell at Pig-Bunny when she was sad.

Shu sighed for he knew that Miko wouldn't want to talk tonight. He would have to wait to tell her what he felt for her tomorrow.

"Does that mean that Miko has to leave because someone found out she's a girl?" Yuki asked innocently and hearing this, Shu's eyes widened.

When Ren heard this, he glared at his phone in his hands before stomping off loudly to his room. He entered his room, slammed the door loudly, and collapsed on his bed so he could scream into his pillow to let his frustration out.

Miko winced from her bedroom as she heard the loud noise. Did she cause trouble again?

She grabbed her phone from where it laid on the dresser and tapped the green Messenger icon. She pressed Ren's name and decided to text him:

Miko: Are you all right Ren?

Ren sat up abruptly as he heard his phone blast a catchy tune to signal he got a message. Turning on the electronic device, he grinned as he saw Miko texted him.

Does that mean she is worried about me? Ren thought as he texted back an answer. He hoped secretly she was.

Ren: Just a little frustrated.

Miko: Perhaps you need to stop staying up so late these days.

Ren: How did you know? I thought I was quiet.

Miko: I hear well...Are you worried about something?

Ren: Yes...

Miko: Is it a guy thing? You should talk to Yuki-san and Shu-san about it.

Ren: But...

Miko: But what?

Ren: They're not you.

Ren sighed, turned his phone to silent, and went under the covers to sleep after a restless night waiting for Miko. He hoped he did not dream about Miko that night....or there would be trouble in the morning.


About two weeks after Geun-Seok and Miko announced their relationship, Miko woke up early to begin breakfast for the boys. She wore a white t-shirt under a orange sweater, light blue pants, and some white and blue sneakers.

She was making Wonton soup, steamed rice, grilled fish, and rolled eggs. For drinks, she had hot water heating up for Shu's green tea, Apple juice for Yuki, and ice-cold water for Ren.

Ren came downstairs first wearing a black t-shirt under a gray sweater, and some blue jeans. His hair was flat and dripping from the shower as he ran his hands through it.

He took a seat on the counter in front of the kitchen and watched Miko as she poured Wonton soup into a bowl and pushed it towards him with a bowl of steamed rice as well.

"Do you like grilled fish, Ren-san?" Miko asked, finally turning to look at him and Ren silently nodded as he sipped the soup. Miko slid some fish onto a plate with rolled eggs and gave it to Ren as well.

"Arigato." Ren said with a rare smile before he began to eat his breakfast. He drank the water that was waiting for him and smiled to himself, happy that he was eating something Miko made.

Shu came downstairs next wearing a gray t-shirt under a blue sweater, a blue bowtie, and some dark blue jeans. He smiles as he sees Miko has prepared breakfast.

Shu took a spot beside Ren who nodded to his bandmate since his mouth was full of food. Ren also made some grunting sounds to Miko signaling he was satisfied with the breakfast.

"Here's some Wonton soup, white rice, grilled fish, and rolled eggs." Miko said and pushed a plate toward her friend. She also handed him the finished green tea and Shu grinned, taking a sip.

"Arigato." Shu said before he began to dig into his breakfast. He sent a thumbs-up to Miko who grinned and turned back to cooking.

Yuki went to the kitchen last wearing a blue and white striped buttoned shirt, purple and white bowtie, and some white pants. He was happy to see Miko making breakfast as he loved her cooking.

"What's for breakfast?" Yuki asked Miko with a cheerful grin as he took a spot beside Ren.

"Wonton soup, white rice, grilled fish, and rolled eggs." Miko said and pushed a plate full of food towards him and a glass of Apple juice.

"Arigato Miko!" Yuki said and began to fill his cheeks with food.

"I have news." Miko said later as she ate her own plate of food and drank her own cup of green tea. The boys looked up from what they were doing. Ren was checking his cellphone for calls and texts while Shu and Yuki did the dishes.

"News?" Ren repeated as he slid his phone back into his pocket. Shu raised his eyebrow as he and Yuki dried their hands.

"Geun-Seok is going to be here soon for our date." Miko said before taking a sip of green tea.

"EH?" Ren, Shu, and Yuki all shouted at once.


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