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Marian was standing in the kitchen with her mum making breakfast. The Weasleys always woke up early but today the two women got up a long before the sunrise while it was still completely dark outside. The Quidditch World Cup was today and the Weasleys including Harry and Hermione were going. They needed to leave early to catch the portkey on time.

Some sounds were heard from upstairs when Arthur woke up. His job was to make sure that everyone who was going was awake.

Marian placed plates, mugs, knives and forks on the table while her mum was doing one last bit of the breakfast. It didn't take long for sleepy faces to walk down the stairs. First George and Fred and after them Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry.

But while all the others looked a bit or a lot sleepy, Harry didn't. He, on the other hand, looked a bit anxious for some reason.

Everyone sat down around the table and started to eat their breakfast. Even Harry had a smile on his face now while speaking with Ron.

"Should you cut your hair?" Molly asked Fred while looking at his long hair that he and George had been growing. Even Ron and Harry's hair was a lot longer than usual.

"I like it this way mum." Fred answered and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Let them have their hair, mum." Marian spoke while taking a bite from her toast. "At least they are taking care of it, conditioner and everything."

Marian had decided to make sure that her brothers took care of themes and their hygiene. Although they already did, she had suggested a few other extra things such as the conditioner to their now long hair.

Molly sighed "Fine."

"Are everyone excited?" Arthur asked, looking around the table. Everyone nodded their heads excitedly.

"While you all are watching the game, I'm having a nice quiet day here with my knitting and a good book." Molly smiled and took a sip of her tea.

Marian gave a smile to her mum. She deserved some quiet time.

When everybody had eaten their breakfast they hurried to get their bags from their rooms so they could leave. The sun had just started to rise when everyone stepped out of the Burrow. Molly stayed home and waved from the door and with that everyone else started their journey towards the portkey.

"Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asked while they were walking through the woods.

"I don't know." Ron answered. "Hey dad! Where are we going?" He asked Arthur who was at the front and leading the group.

"Arthur!" Someone suddenly called him from a distance.

The Weasleys walked past a tree and Arthur waved at someone. Everyone stopped walking when suddenly a man appeared in front of them.

"It's about time son!"

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Arthur explained and turned to look at Ron and Harry who were walking a bit behind the rest of the group.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone." Arthur introduced the man. "Works with me at the ministry."

Suddenly a boy, almost the same age as the twins hopped down from the tree and to the ground.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur shook the boy's hand and the boy gave him a kind charming smile.

"Yes sir."

Marian, who was standing next to Hermione and Ginny saw the two younger girls glancing at each other and giggling a bit. Yes Cedric was handsome but younger than her and just not her type. But yes she could understand why the girls were giggling and giving each other looks. He was charming.

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