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(Marian's POV)

The first of September came quickly and I was standing on platform 9 ¾ with mum and dad. We were saying our goodbyes since my siblings as well as Harry and Hermione were leaving for Hogwarts.

"Take care of each other and stick together." I spoke to Harry, Ron and Hermione who all nodded. "But most importantly have fun but don't forget your school work completely." I gave a pointed look to Hermione about remembering to have fun and reminded Ron about school work.

The trio nodded and walked in the train to find seats empty for them. Ginny had already gone in so now there were only Fred and George left. I watched how mum placed kisses on both of the twins' cheeks before letting them walk to me.

"Don't get into too much trouble." I spoke sternly but couldn't help but start smiling showing the twins that I wasn't completely serious. I knew them.

"Oh thank Merlin you were joking." Fred breathed out in relief placing his hand dramatically on top of his heart.

"Thought you were becoming like mum." George continued.

"Although I wasn't completely serious about not getting in trouble, I still don't want anything bad to happen." I became serious again.

"Sure, we promise not to get into too much trouble." Fred winked.


Mum, dad and I went back home and mum started to make tea for us. Dad sat at the table, reading the Daily Prophet and I placed mugs and plates on the table. I had my own flat but mum had asked me to stay a little bit longer although everyone else had already left. Speaking truthfully, I don't spend that much time in my own house. I'm almost always here in the Burrow.

"I have applied for a job. I hope I can get into an interview." I spoke and sat down, pouring myself a cup of tea.

"Let's hope you get the place." Dad smiled.

"Tell me again, what job did you apply for?" Mum asked.

"A student counselor at Hogwarts. Both McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey proposed the idea to Dumbledore that Hogwarts should have one."

"So what does the student counselor do?"

"A student counselor works with students, their parents as well as with teachers. Helping the student succeed both academically and socially." I explained.

"That sounds good." Dad nodded. "I'm sure it will really help the kids."

"We just have to hope that I get the place."


One day had gone by since the younger kids left for Hogwarts.

I was sitting on the living room couch reading through some papers and making my own notes to them.

A small tap from the window was heard making me turn my head to see what it was about. A big brown owl was sitting outside the window with a letter in its beak. I stood up from the couch and opened the window. I took the letter in my hand and petted the owl on its head. The owl screeched, turned around and flew away. I closed the window and sat back on the couch to read the letter.

My eyes widened. It was from Hogwarts. This is when I find out if I got into the interview or not.

'Dear Miss Weasley,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for an interview for a student counselor position in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

September 3th.

Headmasters office, 1 in the afternoon.

Yours sincerely

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