1| I'm not apologizing

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Present Day

I take a deep breath. I hold my hand up, levitating a rock and throwing it in the direction of Caitlyn. She pops out from one of the trees.

"You suck at hiding."

"Do I? Or are you just a powerful witch?"

I tilt my head as she walks towards me. She nudges my arm. It's weird having her back here but I love it. I missed her, like really missed her.

"How's being a deputy?" I ask. "Oh my God.. can I shoot your gun?"


I roll my eyes.

"You're no fun."

She puts her arm around my shoulder, walking towards my car. She's one of the few people on this planet I can actually be myself with. She's also one of the select few who actually know what I am.

It makes us that much closer. I love Lydia as much as I do her, but there's a clear difference in our relationship. It also helps that Caitlyn is a mutant. She understands the struggle of power. She doesn't use her power though. She sees them as a curse in a way.

"You hungry?"

"Always." I say. "Burgers?"

"Just what I was thinking."

I get into my car, following her out of the preserve. I pull into the burger joint, parking next to her. We walk inside together and the hostess clearly recognizes Caitlyn. Caitlyn brushes her off as we sit down.

"You're acting like you don't know her."

"Drop it, Emma."

I look over at the girl. She looks around the same age as Caitlyn which is only five years older than me. I tilt my head, sensing something off about her.

My magic gives me a way of seeing things beyond the eye. It doesn't help that I'm not normal witch. That's been made abundantly clear by Wanda.

"She's a-"

"Oh, look, there's Stiles."

I quickly turn around and see Stiles with Scott, Bonnie and Dahlia. Dahlia sees us, ditching them. She runs to Caitlyn's side, hugging her. Dahlia has been my best friend pretty much since birth. Our mothers used to be close friends in high school. They drifted apart in college but found their way back to one another when they came back to Beacon Hills.

"My pretty girl."

Caitlyn kisses the top of Dahlia's head. I turn my head as the others walk to our table. I glare at Bonnie. We've been rivals since grade school. She's always tried to one up me every chance she got. She's just mad I have the second best grades in the school behind Lydia.

"Bonnie.." I smile. "You look like shit."

"Bite me, Emma."

"That can be arranged."

"Come on, Bon."

Scott grabs her arm, dragging her away as I wave.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"I should check on the waitress."

Caitlyn quickly gets up. Stiles takes her spot in the spot across from me. Dahlia looks at me for some type of answer. They both know I don't like her, never have and never will.

"Stop looking at me like that."


I look at Stiles. The name only he calls me slides off his tongue so perfectly. I hate it so much and he knows it.

"What?" I snap. "I'm not apologizing."

Stiles looks disappointed while Dahlia doesn't look surprised, and she shouldn't. She knows me better than I know myself.

"She can fuck off for all I care."

And as much as I dislike Bonnie, I know a secret about her that nobody does. She's a witch. I'm not even sure she knows it. I know things about her that she probably doesn't even understand.

I would never tell her secret even if I hate her. I wouldn't do that to anyone. The type of witch she is gets hunted mainly because they're witches born with no real magic of their own. Siphoners is what we call them.

"Go be with your friends, Stilinski.. I got things to do."

Even though there is two Stilinski's in front for me, Stiles knows I was talking to him. Dahlia moves for him and he slides out of the spot. Caitlyn comes back with our food. She already ordered for us, and even ordered Dahlia's order.

We eat in silence. I steal glances at Stiles, trying to act cool and calm. I hate the way he affects me. It all started when we were in second grade.

"I haven't heard much from Tyler.." Caitlyn says. "He isn't answering my calls and every time I stop by the house he's busy."

He's actively ignoring her. I think she knows it and is trying to act like it doesn't bother her. Caitlyn's been back in Beacon Hills for about three months now and Tyler never forgave her for even leaving.

Tyler is the youngest of us. He was technically born three seconds after me. And yes, I count that. He hates anytime I bring it up in an argument.

"He's been busy with getting ready for lacrosse.."

"Emma, I don't need magic to know you're lying."

She brings up my magic so freely around Dahlia because she does know about it. I told her in seventh grade when I knew I could trust her with such a big secret. It's the reason she knows me inside and out.

"I'm not." I'm really not. "He just needs time, Cait.."

The four of us Martin siblings have always been close with one another. We all looked up to Caitlyn since she was the oldest but Tyler always had more of an attachment to her because she's the one who helped him the most when he was transitioning into a werewolf.

One fatal night ruined him. We were only ten when he was bitten. I blame myself because I was the one who decided to run into the woods at midnight. A pair of red eyes were on me and instead of running he stayed and protected me.

Talia Hale helped him a lot with trying to control everything but it was Caitlyn that he leaned on for emotional support. We were just kids. And when she left for college he was devastated. He's held it against her for the past few years.

"I just want him to know I care about him."

"He does.. he just needs to get over it."

After dinner, I head home after dropping Dahlia off at home. I park in the driveway, realizing Tyler's car is gone. I head inside to an empty home. It's been oddly quiet ever since my parents got divorced. It's filled with silence instead of yelling. It's calming.

I go up to my room, plopping onto my bed. I close my eyes on the verge of sleep when I see the hostess from the diner in a pool of blood.

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