8| Can you catch a hint?

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I stand at my locker, rummaging through it. I know I've got a brush in here somewhere, I fucked up my curls and they need to be brushed out more.

"What happened to your hair?"

"What happened to your face?" I snap. "Why do you look like that?"

Tyler actually did his hair. It's not all messy like it normally is. He looks around as if looking for someone.

"Earth to Tyler." I snap my fingers in front of his face. "You're looking for a girl, aren't you?"



I give up looking for my brush, trying to use my fingers instead. I look down the hall to see one of the lacrosse players harassing Dahlia. I slam my locker, walking towards them. I grab Jackson's dumb ass friend by his collar. He's technically one of Tyler's too but Jackson is closer to him.

"Can you catch a hint?" I ask. "She's not interested."

He sighs, turning his head to me.

"I was just talking to her, Emma, like people do who like each other."

I look at Dahlia.

"Do you like him?"

She doesn't answer.

"I think you should run along and do whatever bench warmers do, Anderson."

I let go of his collar, flattening it out. I smile, linking my arms with Dahlia.

"That was kind of mean."

"Oh, c'mon, you loved it." I say. "Plus you were not interested."

I know I'm right but Dahlia hates admitting when I'm right. But she definitely loves pointing out when I'm wrong which really isn't that often.

I feel bad for not spending as much time with her. I've been spending an ungodly amount of time with Bonnie. Which isn't bad but I also haven't told Dahlia the truth of it. She still hasn't told me who she's been spending time with either so I call it even.

"Emma, that is my skirt."

I look down at the skirt I'm wearing. This clearly is my skirt. She just wants to pick a fight so early in the morning.

"This is mine. You're the one who stole it from me and claimed it as yours."

Lydia rolls her eyes. We follow her down the hall. She talks the logistics of this Friday's party we're hosting. We're known as the Party Queen's. We throw the absolute best parties in Beacon Hills.

Our mom's out of town for the weekend for some reason I don't care about. And dad, well he's doing whatever he does best which is leaving us alone because God forbid he actually talks to his children for once.

After their divorce he wanted Lydia, Tyler and I to choose him or mom. I have my issues with mom but she's done what she's done to protect me while he saw us as a prize he could win to piss her off.

"That jacket is totally killer." Lydia says. "Where'd you get it?"

I look at the girl Lydia stopped us to talk to. She's gorgeous. Long curly brown hair and brown doe eyes.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco."

"And you're my new best friend."

"I'm sorry, what was your name?"


Dahlia smiles, holding her hand out.

"Dahlia Stilinski."

I'm not particular interested in this conversation. Dahlia elbows me in my ribs.

"Emma Martin. The hotter twin." Lydia rolls her eyes. "That's Lydia."

She smiles, grasping onto her bag. I feel eyes on us, looking over my shoulder at Stiles and Scott. Stiles quickly looks away. Scott then does the same when he notices I'm looking.

I tilt my head, sensing something off about Scott. He feels different. He's still the same dork but it's almost like he's not fully human anymore. Bonnie appears behind them, scaring both of them. I try not to laugh.

I motion for her to come over here. She looks shocked. Although we've been spending time outside of school together, in school I pay no attention to her. But I guess we've reached a new level.

She walks over, standing beside me. Allison looks at her with a big smile. Bonnie holds out her hand for her to shake. I ignore the weird look from Lydia.

"Bonnie Deaton."

"Allison Argent."

I smile until Jackson appears. It wipes the smile away. And of course beside him is Tyler. Jackson and Tyler have been best friends for a long time. It's one of the reasons he started dating Lydia. He needs to keep up his status quo.

"Looking dapper, Emma."

"Looking like a douche, Whittemore."

He smirks and it's clearly making Allison uncomfortable. I stop while I'm ahead. One wrong word from him and my fist will collide with his face. It won't be the first time and I guarantee it wouldn't be the last. It's where he got the mark on his left cheek. Thanks to my ring Reed gifted me for my fifteenth birthday.


Lydia invites Allison to the party on Friday before dragging her out to the lacrosse field with us to watch practice. I sit in between Dahlia and Bonnie. Lydia pretty much forces us all to exchange numbers. She even gets Bonnie's number which is odd.

"Who's that?"

I look at who she's pointing to on the field. She's talking about Scott.

"That's Scott." Bonnie smiles. "He's one of my best friends. Same with Stiles who is.. right there."

Stiles looks at us as if summoned. I look down at my phone, staring at the unanswered text from Wanda. The only real reason she has a phone is to communicate with me but she's terrible at responding, even before. I've been blowing up her phone with texts to help Bonnie. And all of them have not been answered.

I put my phone in my pocket, giving my attention back to the lacrosse field. I notice Scott's not really his normal self. I've seen plenty of practices because of Tyler to know that he's shitty at lacrosse.

"I'll be right back.."

I walk down the bleachers, walking towards Stiles who's sitting on the bench. I grab him by his collar.

"What is up with your friend?"


"Who else?"

"I could say the same thing about you." He says. "Friends with the new girl?"

I realize how close we are and it sends a chill down my spine. I let him go, flipping him off on my way back to the bleachers.

The Black Dog | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now