Chapter 1 | Foreboding

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"Lord Morax. Lady Velzard has arrived to answer your invitation," a cool and trained voice resounded beyond the door of Morax's private chambers. Despite being known as Velmorax, the Myriad Dragon who controlled both emptiness and fate, he much preferred being called Morax instead.

This strictly applied to his own government, his private circle, and his family. In the first place, it was his family's nickname of the then young dragon, which he had come to like and prefer over the long name that is Velmorax.

"Guide her to the balcony. I'll be right there," he responded, standing from his chair before a desk that contained a three-dimensional holographic map of the world.

His tied deep dark brown hair cascaded and waved down below his waist, his deep and sharp amber eyes shining through the elusive rays of light casting down his private office

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His tied deep dark brown hair cascaded and waved down below his waist, his deep and sharp amber eyes shining through the elusive rays of light casting down his private office.

"As you wish," the feminine voice of his personal attendant replied as her footsteps vanished down the hallways of his personal palace.

He shut down his magic that presented a clear visual of the entire world and left the room. The doorknob clicked behind him as he strolled the expansive palace he built and owned with his own hands.

The occasional maids passing by sidestepped and practically kneeled as he made his way through the wide and tall corridor. Not saying or thinking of anything as he made his way to the balcony where the dragon empress waited, he finally arrived.

Testarossa, his personal secretary and butler—also the White Primordial Daemon, Blanc—was pouring tea for the woman sitting on the chair with graceful and almost unparalleled professionalism.

"You really made me wait after making me come all the way here," the seductive voice of a woman approaching adulthood called out. "You need to be more considerate of your visitors, Morax dear."

Sighing as he combed his hair with his hands, he showed her a smile. "You were never one to mind small stuff like those, sister, so why now?" He replied as he took a seat in front of her unwavering diamond-blue eyes, as fierce and sharp that didn't seem like how one looks at their youngest brother. "You know why I invited you here, right?"

Velzard crossed her legs as she leaned in. The chair that seemed too big for her suppressed human form seemed too big but simultaneously too small for her. A knowing smile emerged on her face. "You should be the one to tell me that."

"What's that idiot up to now?" Morax snapped, ignoring her statement. "After being thrashed by a human and sealed thereafter, he now vanished without a trace from his sealed cave. There's something more to that, don't you think, sister?"

Velzard's smile remained unchanged, devoid of surprise. "Compassion is usually your forte, Morax. Calling that woman, Chronoa I believe, a 'mere human' seems uncharacteristic. Didn't you two share a past? And after three centuries of ignoring me because I stopped you from freeing your dumb brother, all you can manage is talk about him? Can't you spare some of that love for your sister?"

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