Chapter 2 | Gears of Fate

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Morax looks up to the ceiling with Testarossa by his side. This place certainly evolved over the past few decades, he thought, distracted. It was a welcome distraction, otherwise he'd just get pissed if he listened anymore to the verbal war of the people before his throne.

The grand chamber of the High Sovereign's throne room was as imposing as it was opulent. Ornate tapestries and intricate carvings of deep gold adorned the pristine white walls, a clear reflection of Cair Paravel's rich history and wealth.

At his throne, High Sovereign Velmorax, known to his close circles simply as Morax, observed the proceedings with an air of detached interest. The discussion about Morax's impending departure had sparked a heated debate among the five Sovereigns.

"We must respect High Sovereign Morax's decision. He has trusted us with the governance of Cair Paravel. We are more than capable of maintaining order in his absence." Cien, a descendant of the White Primordial, said with a measured tone as he lifted his glasses gracefully.

Moss, another descendant of the White Primordial, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Our duty is to uphold the principles he has established. We should focus on continuing our work without unnecessary panic." Despite his young body, he was the most imposing amongst the five sovereigns.

The three nobles, however, were less convinced. Elara, her tone dripping with disdain, leaned forward. "Respectfully, Cien, you underestimate the gravity of this situation. High Sovereign Morax's presence is our stabilizing force. Without him, we risk losing our standing and the delicate balance we have maintained."

Vaelis, his expression stern, added, "Elara is right. The Church of Luminous is constantly looking for any sign of weakness. If they perceive His Majesty's absence as an opportunity, they will undoubtedly act against us."

Toren, the youngest and most impetuous of the nobles, slammed his fist on the C-shaped table facing the high throne. "We cannot afford to show any sign of vulnerability. High Sovereign Morax, you must reconsider. The fate of Cair Paravel hangs in the balance!"

Morax, watching the argument unfold, remained silent. His amber eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and contemplation. The Sovereigns were displaying their true colors—Cien and Moss, calm and collected, while the nobles revealed their insecurities and ambition.

Cien responded to Toren, his voice steady but struggling to maintain calm. "You underestimate the strength of our people and the systems Lord Morax has put in place. We have faced challenges before and emerged stronger. This will be no different."

Moss chimed in; his tone sharp. "Your lack of faith is disappointing, sovereigns. Lord Morax has trained us well. We are not helpless children. We are the Sovereigns of Cair Paravel, and we must act like it."

Elara shot back, her eyes narrowing. "It's easy for you to say, Cien. You and Moss have always enjoyed the favor of Premier Testarossa and Lord Morax. But for the rest of us, his presence is a shield against those who would challenge our authority."

Moss leaned forward, his tone sharper now as he narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Are you implying that without His Grace, your positions are threatened? Perhaps it is your own lack of competence that concerns you, Elara, not the stability of Cair Paravel."

Vaelis's face reddened with anger. "How dare you! We have worked tirelessly for this realm. We deserve recognition and power. Without Morax here, our influence is diminished. That is the reality we face."

Cien, eyes flashing with a rare hint of anger, retorted, "Lord Morax, Vaelis. Who do you think you are to address his grace without honorifics? Your words betray your true intentions. This is not about the safety of Cair Paravel but about maintaining your personal power and influence?"

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