Chapter 5 | Disaster

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As soon as Morax forcefully teleported Rimuru, silence descended. Because of Testarossa's own efforts, the Capital of Engrassia just a few hundred meters away was blissfully unaware of anything that happened.

She descended beside Morax after killing all the holy knights who set up the barriers outside its confines. Not saying a thing as to not interrupt her lord's deep thought, she focused on cleaning up the battle scars on the ground, making them disappear and looking good as new.

"You think that guy will be alright?"

"Are you worried for the slime, milord?"

Ignoring her question, Morax plunged into thought. "Just what's happening on the continent," Morax muttered, more to himself than to anyone, slightly perplexed by the brewing chaos.

Testarossa began to speak, her usual professional smile still on her beautiful face. "It's very likely that there is some upset in the ranks of the demon lords... maybe one or more among them are moving behind the scenes."

"That's likely," Morax replied. He turned around, looking at Testarossa, causing the woman to blush for a little. But his gaze was not focused on Testarossa, but his own thoughts.

"Do you not plan to kill her, milord?" Testarossa asked, causing Morax to snap back to reality. He eyed the slumped woman's body for a minute, a blank and empty look on his face.

"Nah, not for now."

Then, without saying anything else, both of them left the unconscious and injured body of Hinata Sakaguchi. In the meantime, Testarossa was ordered to check in on the newly appointed Sovereigns in Cair Paravel—much to her restrained disappointment—while Morax's destination was a place where a god resided. To the Holy Empire of Lubelius.

That's right. He was going to have a talk with the god of Luminism.

Contrary to international beliefs, the gods Luminous and Velmorax are not against each other. On the contrary, they were acquaintances that got along rather well. It's just that their subjects are persistent and delusional.

Velmorax's worshippers denied Luminism beliefs.

Luminism denied the existence of other gods aside from their own.

Although Luminism was created a few centuries after the formation of Cair Paravel's continent—considering the Myriad Dragon was born almost two-thousand years ago—Cair Paravel did not back down and returned the hostilities of the western church.

The only reason a full-blown war had not occurred yet was because Cair Paravel resided in another continent which Velmorax forcefully pulled out of the ocean. The Western Church can't recklessly send an army across an ocean full of demonic magic beasts as large as krakens who pledged their loyalties to the Myriad Dragon.




Meanwhile, over at Tempest, Rimuru has just seen for himself the level of damage received by the town. He saw for himself his beautiful town blazing with flames left and right with blood splattered in the walls and streets alike.

Even dismembered limbs and organs were littered about in the paved highways of Tempest. He took it all in, further increasing the level of burden and anger that stirred the heart he's forcefully suppressed.

His throat felt dry as he was guided deeper and deeper into the plaza by Benimaru, Geld, and Myurran—a supposed instigator of all these chaos—accompanied by the anxious human adventurer Youm and the beastman Grucius.

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