Dead Man's Blood

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You lean back in the seat with your hands wrapped around your warm coffee cup, your eyes wander towards the glass window that is on your right side, watching as a car passes by before it disappears from your vision again. You blink a few times to keep your eyelids from fluttering shut, a yawn escaping your lips, but you try to disguise it as you press the cup to your lips once more. You sit at the restaurant table with Dean on your right, he busies himself by flipping through a newspaper to see if there is anything abnormal while Sam is on his laptop, scavenging the internet for a possible lead on a potential case.

"You're not eating?" Sam looks over at you and the lack of food in front of you.

"Don't think I can have another diner cheeseburger without clogging an artery." You reply, looking at Dean as he chows down on a sloppy looking burger.

This past week, you hadn't caught signs of anything supernatural. Which means a small break for all of you, something that doesn't come around often. You find yourself slowly itching for anything to get yourself out of this place—a cat stuck up in a tree, Lassie needing help to find Billy, dammit, anything.

When you weren't working to keep yourself distracted, you had found yourself slowly slipping back towards a cycle that you had broken for a while now. You try to think of a logical reason why this is happening again, but you have to fight pretty hard to not fall asleep.

"Alright, dude," You pry your concentration from the condensation slipping down Sam's glass of water when you hear the newspaper being folded closed and Dean speaking again. "Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What do you got?"

"Well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota." Sam answers, going through some news articles he had saved before clicking on one that had caught his attention. You lean over in your seat to see what he had found. "Here—a woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived."

You glance up from the computer screen to give him a dull look. "Sounds more like 'That's Incredible!' than 'Twilight Zone.'" You say. Sam nods his head, mumbling a response before trying again to look for something that would seem more appropriate for your line of work. You drop yourself back into your seat and take another sip of your drink.

"You're cranky." Sam tells you and you shrug.

"She's not sleeping." Dean exposes you and Sam nods.

"I noticed." Sam agrees.

You avoid their gaze long enough for them to get back on topic.

"Hey, you know, we could just keep heading east—New York, upstate." Dean suggests, you glance in his direction, knowing what he is hinting at. His lips pull into a smile when his brother looks up from the computer for a few moments before dropping his gaze back down, not saying a word.

"Why the fuck would anyone go to New York on purpose." You need sleep. You're being a bitch.

"Yeah, I don't know. Maybe someday." Sam mumbles, shrugging off the suggestions. "But in the meantime, we got a lot of work to do, we can't afford to do anything else."

"Yeah. You're right." You agree. Better to keep yourself busy than find yourself going insane. "What else do you have?"

"Uh, man in Colorado. Local man by the name of Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home." Sam reads off from another article he pulls up. You shrug your shoulders, knowing that there is almost always something more than just some animal attack.

"Elkins." Dean repeats. "I know that name."

"Doesn't ring a bell." Sam says. You shake your head, not sure of who he is referring to. While Sam continues going on about this man, Dean busies himself by digging into his brother's bag and pulling out their father's journal. "Looks like the cops don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack, and now they found signs of robbery."

Gemini (Supernatural Rewrite Sam x Reader x Dean)Where stories live. Discover now