Bloody Mary

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Sam's body was passed out in the passenger seat of the car, his head tilted towards the roof. You watched as his eyelids flutter slightly and he begins mumbling words underneath his breath. Sam was having another nightmare. Sam had been lying to your face for a while now about his state of mind, about the nightmares... about how he's "fine." But here, now, you and Dean could see the truth beneath his forced composure. Sam was cracking at the seams with grief.

It was obvious this shit was starting to take a toll on him, mentally and physically. Sam was afraid of going back to sleep. He would stay up late "researching" on his laptop, the glow of the screen waking you up as he forced himself to stay awake by chugging coffee and only allowing his eyes to rest for a few short minutes before forcing them back open.

As you watch the man fall deeper into a nightmare, you silently wonder if he's the only Winchester affected like this. Maybe this is what's wrong with John. Why he can't form attachment, why he forces his children to be soldiers against an invisible force that hasn't been seen in years. Maybe he has nightmares too. Maybe Sam and his father are more alike than either of them would ever admit.

You hadn't realized how long you'd just been staring at Sam before Dean's voice startles you out of the trance. "Sam, wake up!" Dean shouted, sighing with... some emotion as he looked over at his brother.

Sam's eyes ripped open as a ragged gasp for breath fell from his parted lips. His hair was sticking to his forehead in the way it always did, and your fingers itched to smooth it back and ease the tension from his furrowed brow with your gentle touch. "I take it I was having a nightmare?" Sam said, embarrassed.

"Yeah, another one." Dean said, dropping his hands to his lap as he pulled over at your destination.

"Hey, at least I got some sleep." Sam tried to make light of the situation.

You couldn't help yourself as you sighed. You leaned against the front seats and looked at Sam with a concerned face. "Hey, you know, sooner or later, we're gonna talk about this." You said. "It doesn't have to be in front of Dean, or right this second, but... we're gonna talk about it." It was a promise just as much of a threat, Sam just cleared his throat and Dean looked at you curiously.

"Are we here?" Sam asked, turning his head around to look at the eerie morgue you'd pulled into the parking lot of.

"Yup. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio." Dean said, focusing his attention on a pad of papers that he was writing on. His tone was off, offended, almost. Perhaps realizing his baby brother didn't feel comfortable talking about things with him, specifically.

Sam picked up the newspaper full of obituaries, his attention drawn to the one that was circled in black marker. Steven Shoemaker. Steven's cause of death was a stroke, but the death had seemed a bit suspicious, as his eyes seemed to have exploded. Literally exploded out of his head, leaving him covered in his own gore. "So, what do you think really happened to this guy?" Sam asked, reading the small blip about Shoemaker's life included in the obituary.

"That's what we're gonna find out." Dean explained, stepping out of the car into the sunshine.

You and Sam followed behind, walking into the stone building and heading down a long hallway. All of you walked until you came up towards a door on the left that had a black sign above it. Room 144, the morgue.

You stepped inside first, confused to see a series of empty office desks until you spot a bald man dressed in scrubs sitting at a desk, reading what looked to be a very large book. Dean smiled at the man as they exchanged proper hellos.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

You hadn't really talked about your cover story before walking into the morgue. Sam had a slight panicked look, but Dean was quick to speak out his ass, as usual. "Yeah, we're students." He said, nodding his head.

Gemini (Supernatural Rewrite Sam x Reader x Dean)Where stories live. Discover now