The demogorgon//nine//

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The song quote for this chapter is... "In this place, where I couldn't get away.."


Gwen and Will sat in silence within the confines of Castle Byers, their anxiety and frustration hanging heavy in the air. After a few moments, Gwen spoke up, attempting to lighten the mood.
"You know," she began, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips, "When we get out of here, maybe we can finally fix your bowl on top of your head." Will let out a weak chuckle, followed by a fit of coughing. 

A low, ominous growl echoed through the eerie surroundings of Castle Byers, sending chills down their spines. Will and Gwen froze in place, their hearts pounding in their chests as they both stood up, backing away slowly. Gwen's foot accidentally stepped on a stick, causing it to crack loudly under her weight.Will's voice quivered as he spoke, his arm wrapped protectively around Gwen. "The Demogorgon..." he whispered, his words betraying his fear. Something was moving outside, nearing the makeshift sheet door. BAMMM!! The Demogorgon burst through the sheet, it's terrifying presence filling the small space of Castle Byers. Gwen let out a horrified scream and stumbled backwards, her hands instinctively covering her eyes in terror.Gwen's heart raced as she lowered her hands from her eyes. Panic washed over her as she realized Will was nowhere to be seen. "Will! Will!" she called out, her voice shaky and filled with desperation.

Gwen felt a wave of panic and despair wash over her, causing her to hunch down, her head in her hands, as she struggled to catch her breath. "No... no... no..." she muttered to herself, the fear and helplessness consuming her.Gwen's breath came in short gasps as her panic attack gripped her tightly. This wasn't like her usual episodes in her mind; this time, the danger was real, the fear was tangible. Her heart pounded painfully against her chest, and her thoughts spiraled out of control.Salted tears streamed down Gwen's face as she wept quietly. Defeat washed over her as she realized the gravity of their situation. They were trapped in the Upside Down, separated from each other, and Will was nowhere to be found. She was overwhelmed by despair and fear, unsure of what to do next.Gwen slumped down, her body trembling as she pulled her legs tightly against her chest, tucking her head between her knees. The tears continued to fall, streaming down her face like a relentless waterfall. Fear, frustration, and despair mingled together, overwhelming her sense of bravery and determination.

Gwen suddenly remembered something that gave her a glimmer of hope. This was their hideout, and they had hidden supplies here—a water bottle filled with a mixture that kept spiders away. Perhaps it could also repel demogorgons and other creatures in this hellish place. Additionally, she recalled the unexpected gift she received for Christmas in 1981—a pink gel blaster with a flashlight attached.

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