🔞🐚 Matters of the heart 🐚🔞

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***Nothing explicit but a very dominant Rafayel! ***

You finally remembered all the lives and the past you had with Rafayel and after you two had your big talk about it, you cuddled in his bed.

Rafayel holds you close to his chest, you hear his heartbeat that drums in a slow regular beat and his arms are all around you. One at your back, drawing strange patterns into the skin of your back with his elegant artist fingers, and the other arm lays beneath your neck, supporting you. His hand caressing the skin on your head, massaging the scalp and comforting you. Rafayel hums a song that now is very familiar to you, and he seems so relaxed and happy.

Since you reminisced through all the memories, the good and the bad — one question lingers in your mind that you just can't get rid of. But you don't know if you should ask it now, that both of you have calmed down from the emotional turmoil that the recent event has caused, and he looks so relaxed and satisfied.

But as always, the attentive Lemurian senses your restlessness and bends his head down to you and locks his curious gaze with you. "What is it, my ocean? Does something still trouble you?" he asks in a quiet, relaxed voice.

"To be honest — yes." You push his chest lightly, gaining some distance so you can get a better look at him.

Rafayel isn't content to let you even a bit out of his arms, but doesn't hold you back as he catches the sincerity in your eyes. "Then let me hear it. You know you can tell me everything, yeah?"

Observing his gorgeous face, you try to sort your thoughts. You know that the upcoming issue might be troubling him, so you think of the best way to get on it. "Rafayel..." you start hesitatingly, "I know that this isn't an easy topic for you. But since I know everything by now... I ask myself... don't you want to rebuild your homeland?" and you observe his face and reactions thoroughly. The man in front of you, the one you love more than your own life, is way too good to hide his own feelings and thoughts. You have to look closely if you want to catch a glimpse of what he really thinks.

His face turns to stone, not any muscle in his dashingly-handsome face moving as the painter answers you short and clear „No, I don't."

You frown about his sudden coldness. "Why not?" still observing his behavior.

"Because..." Rafayel starts, but then stops, sitting up and letting you out of his proximity. He strokes his hair with his now free arms and sighs, looking back at you and caressing your face with the knuckles of his hand. "There you are, saying you remember everything" his eyes turn soft and sad, "and you still ask me if I want to rebuild Lemuria?"

You gulp, remembering what he means by that, but you are determined to solve this once and for all. "I remember, love. But I'm sure there has to be another way. We can talk with your aunt and the others. Maybe they know how to build things in the deep sea. We can gather materials." you start to speak faster with excitement, leaving the bed to jump in anticipation and gesturing lively to express your feelings. "You earned more than enough money. With that, we buy everything we need: equipment, materials and so on! You'll be able to live in the deep sea once again, rebuilding Whalefall City and more."

With every word spilling out of your mouth, Rafayels expression darkens, his eyes turning more red than blue until he stands up from the bed, unable to sit any longer and picking up a nervous pace in front of you. As you end he quickly stops, turns to you and with deadly termination: "No! Never. — You better forget about that because it will never happen."

He takes a step towards you, causing you to take a step back. You never have seen him like this, his handsome features now sharp. His jaw tightened, and his eyes fueled by a dark flame, showing how much this topic affecting him.

"I know how much this means to you — how your gaze is filled with longing when you watch the ocean. I'm not blind, Rafayel!"

He takes another step forward, and you back away again, hitting the wall. Suddenly you are caged between his body and arms, leaving you no space to escape.

"It's not about the buildings and culture or how much I miss the deep sea." Rafayel stares at you, this dark fire still burns in his double-toned eyes „The eternal flame needs a heart to be reignited, don't you remember that? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Dost thou want to give thy life?"

You blink in surprise at his sudden change of tone, and you know you're facing the part of him that's as old as the oceans: the God of Sea and Tides. But you're not afraid of him, you never were.

"You know the answer, Rafayel." you just say in a calm voice. You would always make the same choice over and over again, through all the life times.

At your words, his whole appearance changes, his eyes filled with rage before are now going round first before sadness settles in and a pain so big, your heart is breaking for him just by seeing it.

„It's your's, it has always been your heart, Rafayel." you slowly say, in a quiet soft voice.

"No!" he whispers, and his lips crash against yours, desperate and furious he kisses you. "I won't lose you again" he chokes out in between, never losing contact or letting you articulate any word. His body flushed against yours, hands no longer on the wall beside your head. They are now buried in your hair, holding your head so carefully if it would break at the slightest force.

With some feverishly and desperate kisses and your body pressed tightly against the wall, Rafayel ends the argument. There is no more room for words between the both of you, only longing and feral need as you retort his conquering of your lips and body.

Suddenly he pulls back, his face flushed red and a storm again brewing in his eyes. Your hands were captured within a tight grip around your wrists and held above your head. Your lover's lips are just mere inches always from yours, and he's heavily panting.

"This is nonnegotiable, my beloved. Don't make me carve the heart out of your chest." he nearly pleads with you, voice hoarse from pain and dark with desperation. "I won't even let you think about this anymore!" as his lips crush back on yours.

You can only surrender to his dominance, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You never saw Rafayel so demanding, so powerful, and you are aroused from the fire that now turns into a howling storm between you.

His free hand grabs your shirt dress at your chest and with one powerful, aggressive pull the Lemurian rips it from your upper body, leaving only some rests on your back and shoulders.

His knee finds his way between your thighs, rocking its way to your sensitive and moist spot, causing our skirt to crumble around your waist. You moan and whimper to this sensation, and you feel Rafayels smug grin on your lips.

"You're mine!" he nearly growls as his knee starts rubbing delicately at the damp spot between your legs. „And I'm yours and nothing will ever change that."

These were the last coherent words spoken between both of you for the rest of the night as Rafayel shows you how much he loves you, how much he needs you and how much your life means to him.

He lets you beg and scream with pleasure as he cherishes you and ravishes your body equally, leaving no doubt who you belong to and that sacrificing yourself is not an option and never will be.

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