7. Girlfriend

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Fourth started running down the stairs with his heart against his throat. He knew that he was being completely stupid and that he was practically giddy over a man who has a girlfriend but he couldn't stop himself. He couldn't even get changed into something better than his black shorts and red t-shirt, paired with his black slippers, but honestly right now, Fourth couldn't care any less.

Win's words ("Fourth, don't be stupid. Tell him to go fuck himself") were reverberating in his head countless times, but he wanted to hear it straight from Gemini that he had a girlfriend and that they weren't possible.

Gemini had his arms crossed on his chest with his eyebrows scrunching in concentration as he leaned against his car and waited. Fourth slowed down, trying to breath normally.

He looked absolutely beautiful.

As Fourth willed himself to not give out heart eyes, Gemini looked up as an automatic smile curled on his lips.

"Hey, you"

Even the way he spoke was ethereal, Jesus. Alright, focus Fourth. Focus.

"Hey" he scratched the back of his head as Gemini looked at him from head to toe.

Suddenly Fourth was feeling immensely self-conscious.

"Did I wake you up?" Gemini asked, arms falling by his side as he stood up to his full, towering height.

"Oh no, no. I was with a friend. He's staying over tonight"

Gemini's smile faltered at that, "Friend?"

Fourth looked up at him, "Yeah, Win. Do you know him?"

"No" Gemini shook his head, "I can come back later if you—"

"NO" Fourth reached out, grabbing Gemini's arm, before he realized what he was doing, "I mean—you don't have to go. You can... stay"

His arms fell away from Gemini's arm awkwardly, as he looked at the floor, wondering why he did that.

It was embarrassing to say the least. Wasn't he wallowing in self pity just minutes ago?


"So" Fourth looked up at him, "What did you want to say?"

"Right" Gemini cleared his throat before crossing his arms on his chest, but on second thought, he rested them on the hood of his car, "So, I saw you at the... uh, concert"

"Oh yeah" Fourth squeaked, "It was... it was good"

"Then why did you leave?"


"I—I mean" Gemini cleared his throat again, "you left without saying hello or goodbye"

Fourth grinned up at him, "Oh, is that our thing now?"

"I mean" Gemini mirrored his grin while shrugging his shoulders, "It could be if you want it to be"

"Saying hello and goodbye?" Fourth balked.

"Sure?" Gemini was smiling heartily now, "I mean, if you don't—"

His phone suddenly rang and Gemini pulled it out of his pocket. Fourth noted with a sinking heart that it was April—which was weird cuz why wasn't she saved in his phone more romantically? Like with a heart or something? Or a nickname?

Gemini just canceled the call before turning towards Fourth, "Sorry, so what were you..."

"Actually, it was you—"

His phone rang again and for the first time Fourth saw Gemini get angry. His eyebrows were scrunched and he canceled the call once again, muttering under his breath.

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