~~** The girl code. **~~

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As the newly rekindled couple plus Sero began walking towards the tall elegant building currently serving as their temporary home the third wheel of the group made a rather astute if not somewhat unrelated observation. "Hey Mido? What happened to most of your All Might merch? You used to have a ton of it. Your hoodie just reminded me, but your dorm doesn't seem to have much of him in it these days. It's mostly all US now. Any reason for the change? Not that I mind the support or anything, just curious"

"Yeah Nerd. You didn't have any of your mega fan boy crap when you were in the teacher dorms either so what gives?" The blonde silently cursed himself when the greenette froze and stared at them both wide eyed. Well fuck. It's something serious and the idiot doesn't want us to know. Maybe he just doesn't want ME to know? Bullshit. He knows I'd find out eventually so it's gotta be Soy Sauce Face. Yeah. This asshole is definitely the issue. I'll just change the top-

"You both know I was always a huge All Might fan."

"Understatement." The three shared a short but sincere scoring laugh at the straightforwardness of Hanta's summary before the greenette continued.

"When we started in first year my quirk was compared to him so much that in a way I tried to BE him. Even designed my costume with aspects that reminded me of him. After everything that's happened with the LOV and Darkside and just seeing everyone grow and improve so much over the last few years I kind of changed how I look at everything. I don't want to replace All Might. I don't want to be the 'New Might' the papers called me last year. I want to be me. Just like Kirishima. He's not trying to be the next Crimson Riot, he's going to be his own Hero independent of his inspiration. I'm going to be Deku. My own Hero and not a poor facsimile of someone else. When I realized that, I thought about how amazing all our classmates are and I decided it was time to close that chapter and start a new one. So I asked mom to store most of my memorabilia until I decide what to do with them but I think I will probably donate most of it. Except a few more collectable things that I don't want to part with. I've kept all my notebooks though." The look of nostalgia on the freckled boy's face suddenly dropped, and a near murderous scowl took over his bright features with Izuku's next declaration. "You can pry those out of my cold dead fingers." As fast as the terrifying expression appeared it was gone and a smile was again plastered on his face. Satisfied his point was made, the jade-eyed teen resumed his stride regardless of the slightly shocked and frozen pair beside him having become rooted in place.

Looking at the ruby-eyed youth of the group Sero made a quick somewhat whispered note. "Remind me of this moment if I ever have it in my head to cross Mido."

"Hot, isn't it?" Rolling his eyes at his friend's unique view on the potentially lethal wrath of their class Broccoli Lord, Hanta bumped Bakugo's shoulder as the two resumed following after the greenette.

Once inside the hotel the three first found their teacher to report in before heading up to their room. Mina was already there scrolling on her phone and gave everyone a hug whether they liked it or not. Plopping back down her gossip instincts got the better of her and she decided it was inquisition time. Patience of a saint. That's Ashido! "So! First: Bakubabe, where did you go off too that took Midoriya so long to find you and why weren't you answering any messages?"

"For a damn walk. I just lost track of time and the phone was annoying so I ignored it." Crossing his arms while he sat on his own bed, Dynamight glared at the horned female as she nodded acknowledging his reply.

"Ok fine. That's acceptable. Second: Why did you need your hoodies? It's freaking August! Why did you even bring them in the first place?"

"You always bring a jacket on any trip because you never know if you might need it. Packing 101 dumbass. We got caught in the rain and without the sun the wind off the ocean is cold. Hence hoodies." Rolling his eyes in irritation the blonde leaned back on his bed after stealing a quick glance at the selectively mute and smirking pair on the other side of the room. These fuckers are hanging me out to dry with Racoon Eyes! Laugh it up assholes. I'll get you back for this.

"Accepted. All right, last question: Why do I have the feeling I should be buying ice cream and heading to Ura's room right now?" Crossing her own arms and showing a stern look for all three males the pinkett knew without being told. Six eyes that refused to meet her gaze said everything. "How long?"

"How long what?" Confusion mixed with guilt and irritation in Bakugo's voice as he still avoided looking his intuitive (friend) extra in the eye.

"How long have the two of you been screwing around behind her back? I thought YOU, Blasty, had a boyfriend now? And Izuku I can't believe you would do this to her! She's a sweet girl and she lo-"

"We weren't doing anything behind Ura's back, Ashido. I found Kacchan in a cave while looking for him and we were trapped waiting out the storm. We talked. He told me he's not actually dating Dai and apparently never was."

"Wait, you weren't? Why did you lie about something like that?"

"I didn't lie. Deku assumed and I didn't correct him. And I did it to avoid this. I thought it would be better if he believed I was in a relationship so he could focus on his own. I didn't want to-" Throwing his arms um in irritation, Katsuki became tight lipped in his frustration. He couldn't think of how to explain and trying was infuriating. He hated feeling like he was failing.

"He's right. He never actually told me they were dating and it WAS easier to be with Ura thinking he was happy with somebody else." Seeing the slight flinch of the blonde's shoulders at the admission had the greenette clarifying quickly. "It made it easier to try and be happy with her because I THOUGHT he was happy with Daisuke. I didn't want him to feel guilty for moving on so I had to too. Turn's out we were both liars."

"How so man?" Sero had been silent until then, but his curiosity got the better of him.

"Kacchan lied by letting me think he was happy in a relationship. I lied to myself and everyone else that I could ever be happy with anyone but him. There is no moving on, not for me at least." Bravely walking over to the slightly blushing blonde, Izuku reached down and gripped the bottom of his hoodie before pulling it over his head and revealing all the scratch marks on his sides and back to the other two in the room. Soft gasps sounded only to be replaced with louder ones when confident scared hands removed the black fabric covering the marks on Bakugo's chest and shoulder.

"Daaaaaaamn! So my ship sense was right again! But what ab-"

"I'm going to shower and change. Then I'm going to go find Ura so we can talk." Turning to look over his shoulder at the pink haired teen Midoriya narrowed his knowing eyes. "Alone. I need to be the person to talk to her and I will be extremely angry if ANYONE gives her a reason to worry before I'm out of the shower."

The implied threat was quickly acknowledged with vigorous head nods before Sero and Mina excused themselves to find a post dinner snack. Left alone in the room with the only person he had ever loved romantically, Katsuki reached up and gently gripped his Bunny's toned waist, rubbing his thumb over firm obliques. "So...... a shower huh? Need help washing your back?"

A spark of veridian lightning flashed over Deku's body before he closed his emerald eyes and took a deep soothing breath. Opening the slightly darkened orbs he looked down into equally aroused irises barely rimmed in red. Holding the blonde's handsome face in his strong hands he leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. "Not today Kacchan. I need to talk to Ura first. It's not fair to her for us to act like we're together when she doesn't know. I'm hoping she'll still be my best friend after all this and I don't want to hurt her more than I'm already going to."

After wetting his lips and taking a moment to calm his pounding heart, Bakugo nodded. "Fair. Pink Cheeks deserves that respect. Though I have a feeling I'm gonna need to watch my back for a while. That chick is stronger than she looks. I don't know what she's learning over there with Gunhead but maybe you should make sure somebody else is nearby for backup." 

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