~~** 🔞 Commence round two. 🔞 **~~

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Freezing instantly with pillows still raised high, both Midoriya and Bakugo looked at the shadow moving under the securely locked hotel room door. Calling out Deku activated his 'bullshit mode' and made his voice as soft and innocent as possible. "Who is it?"

"Boys open this door. What is going on in there? We can hear you all the way down the hall and you're disrupting the other guests." Scrambling off the bed at the sound of his teacher's voice the greenette quickly dawned his discarded hoodie. His blonde companion went to do the same and grabbed his shirt having forgotten it was now ruined. Thinking quickly the fiery youth stepped into the on suit to avoid being seen with all his new marks.

Once the topless teen had been safely concealed away from view, Izuku opened the door as little as possible and rubbed the back of his neck before looking up shyly at the ever tired larva hybrid that was Ereaserhead. "Sorry Sir. We were just playing around and didn't realize we were being so loud. I promise we'll stop now!"

The thousand watt smile from the freckled teen was reassuring but the lack of any other faces behind him had the keen senses of the looming Pro on alert. "Where are the others?"

"Oh! Kacchan is in the restroom and the others ar-arn't ba-back yet." He didn't want to lie about Sero and Mina not staying in their assigned room tonight but he also didn't want to explain why they were gone. There was no lights-out enforced on the trip and most of the students had taken to staying up quite late the last few days so having some missing roommates wasn't anything suspicious.

"Fine. But be sure you two keep it down, and no fighting. If you want to spar, wait until tomorrow and do it outside where one of the teachers can supervise. You two tend to get too carried away and we don't have Recovery Girl with us. Clear?"

"Yes sir! We promise!" Nodding vigorously, Midoriya breathed an internal sigh of relief as he closed the door behind the underground Hero's retreating back. The sudden press of a firm body at his own back had the greenette jumping slightly in surprise before smiling again and leaning into his companion.

"Smooth move Bunny. Now-" Moving his lips to be a mere centimeter away from the other's ear, Bakugo dropped his voice lower than its usual timber with his next words. "-come take a shower with me."

Spinning around but managing to keep his balance the marginally taller youth held the blonde by the head as he pressed their lips together in the night's possibly hundredth searing kiss. Explosive arms wrapped around his middle as the two stood locked together growing more and more aroused once again.

As both teen's lungs began to scream for oxygen they parted reluctantly and looked down at equally prominent bulges in their already soiled joggers. "We should deal with these too."

Without a reply the blonde grabbed his partner by the hand and led him to the moderately sized ensuite. Turning on the water in the luxury shower, giving it time to heat up, he then turned back to his counterpart and resumed their passionate lip lock. After a few delicious moments, emerald green orbs fluttered open as the freckled boy began maneuvering the pair into the open stall before closing the glass door behind him. They needed to wash their pants out anyway so two birds, right?

Without warning a scared hand reached down and began to massage a heated and straining member through the soaked cotton covering it. Never one to be outdone, Katsuki quickly replicated the action with his own long digits and soon both were clutching the other's shoulder for support as their second climaxes of the evening built.

AS their pants began reverberating off the slick walls the sight of his Bunny starting to lose his composure sparked something in the blonde igniting a need for more. Quickly grabbing his own waistband, Kacchan discarded his coverings to the floor before shocking Izuku by dropping to his knees. Looking up through hooded eyes he sought consent as he slowly lowered the only remaining garment in the tiled space from its perch on sculpted hips. A wordless nod confirmed the vertical teen's compliance and soon dilated red eyes were level with an unencumbered and impressively erect organ.

Wasting no time he took hold of the base with an explosive hand as the other held firmly to the side of a perfectly sculpted thigh. Leaning in he kissed the silky skin of the shaft before he began licking and stroking the length. Muscle memory again came into play as Dynamight began to bob his head applying just the right amount of pressure with lips and hand to bring the other almost to the ground. Neither of the now fully gone youth's had done anything even remotely sexual in longer than they realized and tonight they were making up for it.

All but completely lost in his quest to undo his Bunny, the slight sting of scared fingers gripping limp blonde locks only served to further entice Katsuki to go even further. Increasing his efforts he knew Deku was getting close as the greenette's breath hitched and his knees began to buckle. A few more well paced sucks and squeezes had the blonde's mouth flooding with the salty evidence that Izuku had fallen over the edge.

Small convulsions wracked through the curly haired teen's partially limp body but his grip on the still kneeling boy's hair never ceased. Looking down into the face he was basically fucking just moments ago the freckled youth smiled softly. This was a side of Bakugo none other than him would ever see if he had his way.

The slightly possessive thought lingered for all of a few seconds as he found himself abruptly spun around to face the water warmed tile at the back of the shower. Pressed up against the cream colored porcelain he felt the clear proof that his partner had yet to release his own arousal. The engorged shaft of the less friendly half of the 'Wonder Duo' lay hotly in the cleft of Midoriya's perfectly shaped ass while its owner moaned at the feel of it. Pushing back against the crimson-eyed boy earned Izuku a smack to a toned cheek and a sense of deja vu. Gasping at the sting Deku looked over his shoulder to see almost fully black eyes focused on his round ass while Dynamight unconsciously licked his lips.

A few slightly experimental thrusts later, a strong hand moved the curly haired teens legs closer together as the blunt head of a now painfully red looking erection pushed its way between the younger's muscular thighs. Strong palms quickly gripped the younger's hips as Bakugo began rutting like an animal in heat. The small splashes of water hitting his back as he pistoned himself against the unused hole he hoped to one day enter, Katsuki began to release a litany of curses.

His pace quickening, the blonde felt himself approaching his own completion as a scared hand reached behind them somewhat awkwardly to grip the older male's ass, pulling him even closer to the body in front of him. The two did their best to restrain their voices, barely still conscious of their surroundings, but at some point Kacchan lost focus on holding back and released a guttural moan that might have shaken the walls. A few last sporadic thrusts had him completely empty and feeling more satisfied and at peace than he had been in months.

Leaning forward to rest his forehead on the toned back of his counterpart, the shorter tempered teen fought to regain his breath as his heart continued to pound at a seemingly inhuman pace. Once he was able to form a full thought he lifted his palms to caress the scared but still smooth deltoids of the other. Gathering his courage he cleared his throat to put his feelings to words. Hound Dog would be proud. "I missed you Nerd. Not just this, though-"

"-this was definitely missed. A LOT." The two shared a chuckle at Deku's perfectly put interruption.

"Yeah, it was. But it's YOU I've missed Bunny. First you were so distant then you went missing. We got you back but I had to stay away and even work with Frostbite alone. Then we had to go and be all fucked in the head and stay apart and my stupid ass even signed up to switch agencies. I feel like this is the first time we've really been together in at least half a year. None of the matters now though." Turning around to face the boy he loved, All Might's successor draped his arms around the barely shorter youth and smiled knowingly.

"Why not?" A soft kiss was shared between the two before an answer was granted. It was gentle and lacked any of the heat the two shared only minutes earlier but it held in it all the truth in their hearts.

"Because I'm never letting you go again."

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