~~** Uncle Kacchan. **~~

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Mineta was at a table towards the middle of the room nursing a bump to his head after receiving a rather (vicious) loving chop Kendo following a failed attempt to flirt with the battle fist quirk holder. Next to him sat Koda having a spirited conversation with the other three occupants of the table from class B talking about their home routine for pets. The soft spoken man had a wonderful roommate who took great care of his now four rabbits when he was away from home for more than a few hours and from the sound of it the still quite shy man might have a little crush on her as well.

The Baku-Squad and Deku-Squad had pushed two tables together, though most of the Deku squad were still off to the side speaking with Ida's new girlfriend. Loud laughter filled the room from those who were seated, only growing louder when Ashido joined them after reluctantly returning the adorable Akari to her parents.

Izuku was having a rather interesting conversation with Hikari about her new shoes and how she reminded them of his own favorite casual sneakers he always wore. The little mostly-blonde child was rather amused to learn Uncle Deku had bought three pairs of his signature footwear when he learned they were discontinuing the line. Red was the young girl's favorite color.

Next to the chatting pair on the four year old's other side sat Katsuki with arms crossed trying for all the world NOT to smile at the two and their over the top hand gestures. His best friend leaning on his shoulder watching the duet as well was proof of how much the short tempered blonde was enjoying the interaction. Afterall, he had not exploded the redhead's face yet. Almost as if he didn't mind the contact at all. Interesting.

On the other side of Midoriya sat Momo and Todoroki, hands intertwined in the bicolored male's lap. The couple were listening intently to a story Sero was telling about a Villain encounter from a few weeks ago while Kaminari asked wild questions about why the tape quirk user seemed so interested in this specific Villain. The raven haired man kept referencing the woman's good looks and the unconscious mentions had not gone unnoticed.

Mina and Jiro were now playing patty cake with Shion while Hitoshi bounced him softly in his lap, keeping a smile on the babe's chubby face. At some point Uraraka, Tsu and Iida re-joined the group along with Tenya's girlfriend and Tetsutetsu. Somehow the new arrivals led to a hypothetical debate about who had the highest chances of being in next month's Hero's quarterly magazine for their community outreach efforts.

As the night went on many many pictures were taken and embarrassing stories told. Those not driving home drank to their heart's content while those who remained sober largely laughed at their friends or grumbled at their antics. There was even a proposal between Tsunotori and Kaibara that nobody saw coming.

Around midnight all of the young parents had departed with their sleeping children leaving behind a mostly tipsy crowd in great spirits. The whole party had shifted to something of an impromptu engagement party for the former class B couple and by one AM all the teachers had taken their leave along with several of the remaining former students. There was only one hour left before the remaining participants would need to go either home or to their hotel rooms and the DJ had begun to play more relaxed music to help everyone begin to settle down.

As a particularly calm and familiar song began to play, couples around the room took to the dance floor. Shoto and Momo. Tetsutetsu and Ejiro. Katsuki and Izuku. Sen and Pony, obviously. The conventional couples danced together calmly while smirking at the trio of Ibara, Itsuka and Reiko who were dancing together in a circle like a group of grade schoolers. As the music filled the room the 'Wonder Duo' began a conversation that might have surprised their friends were they to overhear.

With his arms around the shorter blonde's neck, living for the feel of his lover's explosive hands around his own hips, Deku posed a question he never thought he would ask. "Kacchan? Do you want kids someday?"

Confused ruby colored eyes looked up into emerald pools as Dynamight thought over the sudden and somewhat loaded question. He knew how much his Bunny loved kids. What would the greenette think if he said he didn't think he should be a father? Bakugo was no fool, he knew his personality wasn't suitable for children. He never knew how to act around them and always seemed to say the wrong thing. Aside from Kota, Eri, Denki's kids and the Shimnano siblings, kids always seemed to hate him. Even those six had to warm up to Katsuki with the help of Izuku.

Sensing his boyfriend's train of thought the freckled Hero leaned down and captured the other's lips in a gentle and loving kiss. As he pulled away he could feel the shorter man relax a little and smiled. "It's not a trick question Princess. I'm honestly just curious. I know you don't think you SHOULD be a father, but that's not what I am asking. I'm asking you if you WANT to be one. Someday."

"I've honestly never really thought about it. Doesn't matter though, no kid would want me as a dad. And they shouldn't, so it's a moot point." Was there a trace of sadness in Bakugo's voice?

Leaning forward, Midoriya pressed their foreheads together and smiled. "You say that, but look how well you do with Eri. She loves her Uncle Dynamight. And Kota? Have you not noticed how much of your merch he has? The last time we all had dinner together he was wearing your hoodie and even brought a plushie for Eri. I wonder if he has a crush on her now that I think about it-"

"No. She's off limits. He better keep his paws away from her." The serious look in his eye could have been taken as a threat were it directed towards anyone other than the tall man in front of him who was now practically beaming.

"Awww see? You already act like some kind of big brother to her. Some might even say fatherly? And don't threaten Kota, he's a good kid. Not exactly Katsuma good, but good."

"No, he's way more on Mahoro's level. Those two are like two sides of the same coin. Katsuma is more like Eri."

A comfortable silence fell between the two as the music transitioned to another slow instrumental. Keeping the pace of the beet going, Izuku decided to continue on the topic of the kids they had grown to know well over the last several years. "Your picture in that article the other day was super cute by the way. I wonder why nobody else bought it up tonight?"

"Because they know I'd kick their asses for it."

"Awwww but Kacchan~ that article boosted your ratings above mine for this month's ranking! Doesn't that make you happy?"

"Happy I get to be the one tapping your ass till next month? Yes. And I have plans for when we get to the room too so be prepared Nerd. Happy the shitty Extras of this country now think I'm fucking soft? Hell no." Looking straight into the green pools he still loved so deeply, the stern expression on the notoriously short tempered man was less than effective as he felt scared fingers begin to caress the short hairs at the back of his neck.

"Too bad. I think you looked rather attractive wearing those ridiculous glasses and letting Eri put that hat on you was cute." The pair along with Aizawa and Present Mic had taken the white haired girl to an amusement park along with Kota, Katsuma, and Mahoro for the reversal quirk female's thirteenth birthday. Though the trip was almost two months early, the Big Three would be coming back next week to take her with them for a month overseas so it was decided to hold her celebration before that. It had been one of the rare occasions where the blonde Hero allowed himself to relax and be a little silly and now he was somewhat regretting that decision. Who the fuck even took that damn picture anyway?!?! If Katsuki ever finds them they will surely regret it.

The news article entitled 'The Hidden Softer Side of Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight' was so popular that the local news outlet had to rerun that day's paper twice. Sure, it boosted him above Deku for the first time in three years and THAT was maybe a little bit worth it, but now the ruby-eyed man worried other Heros would look down on him.

"Don't worry Princess, you can prove just how not soft you are for the next-" Unwrapping his arm from around the ruby-eyed man's neck, Midoriya eyed his watch. "-nine hours until I have to get back." A decidedly filthy grin slowly grew on the freckled Pro's face as he looked down at his boyfriend's slightly parted lips before backing away and casually making his exit from the nearly empty ballroom.

Blinking back to reality as his brain screamed at him to claim what was his, Katsuki said a brief goodbye to Kirishima and flipped off the man's silver haired partner before almost sprinting to the elevators in search of his Bunny.

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