~~** A warrior's kiss for luck before battle. **~~

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"Thank you for your willingness to assist us Young Shinso. We would like to know what organization she is working under. We are hoping it is a known group so that we might already have some information but it could be one that is new or unknown to the Hero Commission. It would also be useful to know who else is involved and where to find them. If you can get her to reveal why Young Midoriya and Young Bakugo were specifically targeted, that would be considered a bonus. It would be good to know and may help in future or in apprehending this Villain group, but that is not the main priority right now." Nodding, Shinso showed his teacher he understood what was being asked of him and his quirk.

"If you ARE able to get her to talk the main objective is finding out if her quirk can be reversed. If it is, we need to know how. We need to know if the effects are permanent and how it works so we can treat first Dynamight and then Deku once he is located." As the bespectacled analysis Hero addressed the newly arrived purple haired student and spared a glance to the much shorter member of the group.

Nezu was arguably as intelligent and observant an analyst as himself when his quirk was activated and working with the anthropomorphized rodentia was something of a privilege he didn't take lightly. Working with other Heros and being in the direct employ of the former number one had somewhat desensitized him to the grandeur of his position. In short: Specs was fanboying in his head right now. Big time.

"Mr. Shinso, we would of course not ask this of you if we had other means of attaining this information in a peaceable way but at this time you are our best option. I am aware that you are close friends with Mr. Midoriya and I suspect you are keen to assist him but I won't ask you to do something you are uncomfortable with. Ultimately whether or not you choose to do this is up to you and no one will think less of you if you do not feel this is an appropriate use of your abilities." Looking up at his student, the scar over the miniscule principle's left eye crinkled slightly as he smiled reassuringly.

"No sir, I have no problem using my quirk on anyone who hurts my friends. I just don't know if it'll help. If I may, would you tell me what you know about her quirk so I know what to expect?" Kaminari subconsciously clung to the taller youth's arm while Jiro held the electricity quirk user's other hand tight in her own. The three came as a set these days so the other two tagging along was no shock to Bakugo, though his idol seems a little taken aback.

The gathered Heros and students had almost forgotten Hound Dog was even there until he spoke up for the first time. "We believe she has the ability to hypnotize her victims with her voice. It causes a delayed effect over time. It seems to begin working after a day or two but seeing as Deku had been under her influence for several months now we do not know if it is the same for each of her victims. It would appear to affect the person's mental state causing nightmares and auditory hallucinations in the form of voices that speak to a one's innermost fears and insecurities. In time a rage begins to develop that makes that person unstable and dangerous, or at least that's what we suspect based on what we have from Midoriya before he disappeared. It may have the same effect on Bakugo over time but given his usual disposition that might not be something we can accurately measure."

"So you want Toshi to go in there ON PURPOSE with this lady who could mess with his head? The hell man?!?" It was clear the citron-eyed teen was addressing his Squad leader, so the adults gathered took no offense to his outburst.

"Shut it Pikachu, it ain't up to you anyway. It's up to Eye Bags here." Glaring at his supposed friend, the increasingly irate spiky haired blonde wasn't sure if it was the Villain's quirk or just his own natural irritation but he wanted to blow Denki through the wall. Seeing a look of slight confusion and concern on his ditsy but kind-hearted (friend) Extra gave him pause. The little voice in his ear telling him an explosion in such close quarters would do wonders for his hearing confirmed it was not his usual outburst. "S-sorry. That- its. Fuck I want to knock you out so bad right now."

Hands gripping tightly into his own spiked hair, Katsuki missed the concerned looks from everyone in the room. "It would seem that for some reason the effects of her attack are impacting Young Bakugo far faster than they did Young Midoriya. From what I have gathered so far it seems Deku developed his rage and angry outbursts after nearly three months where you, Dynamight, were attacked only a week ago. I don't know if that is a natural variation or an intentional effect of the quirk but either way we need to figure this out as quickly as possible."

"All Might is right. I'll try, I just hope it works." Mindjack turned to head towards the door only to be stopped by a firm grip on his forearm.

"Wait. Bakugo, what is the deep fear that quirk is bringing out for you? If you want Toshi to risk himself doing this you can at least tell us how bad it is. You never tell anyone other than Mido anything truly personal, except maybe Hound Dog sir, so I need to know: how bad are we talking here?" The serious tone and lack of joking from the usually lighthearted boy spoke to his sincerity. Both his purple haired companions looked at his firm expression with fond smiles as each held one of his hands in their own ignoring the slight static buzz he was unconsciously emitting.

After a few quiet moments the explosive youth decided that putting out his own insecurity to this small group of people was worth it if it helped him get Izuku back. Half of them already knew anyway, what's three more Extras? "Going deaf."

Those two little words were the same as someone opening a gaping chest wound for Katsuki. The silence that followed was heavy. Some were silent out of disbelief that the ruby-eyed teen would voluntarily admit to his own fears. Some were slightly confused as to why THAT was the aggressive youth's deepest worry. Being co-operator of the brain cells for the Baku-Squad, Kyouka put it in context for everyone with no effort at all. "Your explosions. You're afraid that your quirk will cost you your hearing and make you less capable as a Hero."

It wasn't a question. It was a conclusion, and one that made the therapist in the room think he needed to recommend this student for some supplementary counseling lessons. Not for treatment, but for training. She would make an excellent addition to the mental healthcare Hero community one day if she chose such a path.

Turning away from the now moderately red-faced Dynamight, Earphone Jack held her boyfriend's hand in both of hers as she looked him in the eye to be sure he was listening carefully. "Kami, if Sleepy wants to help then let him. He's stronger than you give him credit for. The Villain has quirk canceling cuffs on so she can't attack him and there is literally a room full of Pros right here. Do it for Izuku, maybe Blasty too-"

"WHAT!?" Specks adjusted his glasses to cover his efforts at suppressing a smirk brought on by his intern's outburst.

"Bottom line is that it's not your call." A stray tear escaped bright yellow eyes as Chargebolt took in his girlfriend's words.

Nodding slowly Chargbolt turned to his boyfriend. Freeing his hands from Jiro's light hold, he reached up to a perpetually tired looking but very handsome face. "Be careful? Make sure you come back out here safe, ok?"

In lieu of words, the less talkative youth chose action. Closing the gap between himself and the worried looking blonde next to him, Shinso sealed his lips over the set he craved almost endlessly. Arms locked around a small waist as hands tangled in lavender locks at the base of a strong neck. The two were lost in their own world for a few moments as they conveyed the feelings in their hearts with no shame or embarrassment for who was watching.

After a minute that felt like an eternity to some and a millisecond to others, the pair separated. Stepping back, Denki dried the dampness on his cheeks as he watched his boyfriend gently kiss his girlfriend's forehead. Though the pair would never be as close as either was with himself he knew they at least meant SOMETHING to one another. Each understood how important they were to him and seeing how they were willing to get along and even care for one another when circumstances called for it filled Kaminari's heart.

As the mind control quirk user entered the interrogation room to begin everyone's attention turned to the one way glass. You could hear the proverbial pin drop in the quiet that overtook the room as they all watched Hitoshi step into the lion's cage.  

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