keeping secrets

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noon at GUN:

the two agents decided to stop work and have their lunch and headed into the staff room and was eating their meal with Rouge then asking how Shadow was dealing with married life.

Shadow: faker and I have been spending time together like you said and I just about know everything about him

Rouge: that's great hun, I'm glad you took our advice in the end, so.....what about the upcoming banquet, are you coming

Shadow: I guess you got the invite too?

Rouge: everyone got one, including the rest of the gang and it's to celebrate you and your loverboy isn't it, so you defiantly have to come

Shadow: I'm not keen on parties, do we really have to go

Rouge: oh no you don't, don't you try and wiggle out of this. it's an order from the president himself so you must go as well as Sonic

Shadow replied with a huff, continuing his work till a nervous soldier arrived in their office and told Shadow that he had a visitor.

the GUN soldier explained that it was someone important and that they required his assistance, prompting Shadow to go to the guest room and immediately saw the royal symbols on a couple of mobian guards that were beside the door.

walking in and noticed the commander and Sally sitting on the couch discussing a few things before Shadow catches their attention

Sally: hello again Shadow, how's Sonic doing

Shadow: fine, what are you doing here princess

Tower: Agent Shadow, show some respect to the princess!

Tower scolded Shadow for his rude attitude but it only fueled Sally more in taunting the Hedgehog back

Sally: it's okay commander, Sonic used to be my ex of mine. poor Shadow must think that I'm here to steal Sonic away

Tower: ah....I see Sonic had an interesting past. well then, I'll leave you two be. Shadow, try not to harm the princess while you two talk

the commander got up and walked out of the door, leaving the two alone to have an important discussion.

Shadow didn't bother to sit down as he bluntly asked her why she was at GUN

Sally: my, aren't you a charmer, whatever Sonic sees in you is beyond me

Shadow: just tell me why you are here before I leave

Sally: fine. it's about Sonic's parents

Shadow: them? he already dealt with them. did they beg you to get Faker to give them another chance or something?

Sally: I only wish that it was that simple

Sally's face turned serious as she looked at Shadow 

Sally: remember in the report that Sonic was never sent to a hospital or a school when they had him

Shadow: yes, and?

Sally: I went to look for anything else to add to the file but I found nothing, not even a certificate of birth or a report of his mother actually giving birth to him

Shadow raised a brow as he already knew that there could be many reasons for the missing report and certificate

Shadow: his mother could have given birth to him at home with no real doctors or nurse and maybe all the paperwork was lost during the war....there could be many reasons for that

Sally: true, but these are reports that was archived in a system and also the mobians that were working with them when they were royal guards, reporting that they never even saw his mother having a swollen belly around the time

Shadow: are you suggesting that they just took a child from someone else or....

Sally: no, I also checked and no children were reported missing either

they both thought of an answer but only came up with conclusions and didn't know how they should continue to search for the truth

Sally: well he can't just appear out of fin air, someone must have created him

Shadow: agreed, but I know Faker said that he remembered them, so it must have been when he was born....did you just come here to tell me and tell him?

Sally: no, I came here to inform you that I will be looking for more clues of Sonic's birth and that I need you to help since you are his husband, and also....

Sally smirked as she leaned forward

Sally: I'm staying here for a while because I'm also here for the party the humans will be holding for you and Sonic

Shadow: hmph, they even invited you.....I'd rather skip the whole thing

Sally: nuh huh, this is a party being held for you and Sonic so you better turn up besides, I'm married. oh, or is that you are the jealous type

Shadow glared at Sally who knew was getting under his fur, storming out of the room and returning to his office


that night:

Eggman was in his base and had just received the news about the party that was going to be held in Sonic and Shadows honour

Eggman: THAT BLASTED HEDGEHOG! HE EVEN HAS SHADOW ON HIS SIDE AND AS A HUSBAND?! how am I going to get rid of him now?

he yelled in fury as he looked more into the ARKS data on his supercomputer

Eggman: I didn't even think that Shadow was capable of falling in love with....ugh, that annoying pincushion. there must be some flaw my grandfather made when creating him and maybe, there will be a way to reverse it. OH, WOULDN'T THAT BE FUN TO WATCH!

as he looked more into all the data he noticed another file that was on Project Shadow but was never opened since it was supposed to be discarded

Eggman: strange, it looks like another journal but it......maria's? I didn't think she would have had one.......maybe just a peek

that night Eggman read the file and soon had a plan forming in his head that would help him get back at the two Hedgehogs

Eggman: oh, will soon regret threatening me 

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