Love conquers all

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Shadow: I'm fine thanks to you faker saved me, from drowning?

Sonic: of course, I did your my husband, how can I not save you

Even Shadow knew of Sonic's fear of the water yet he was looking at someone who would dive in without hesitation, just to save him.

amazed and surprised to see Sonic doing well till the teen realised where he was and said that he would get them on solid ground

Sonic: ugh, I hate the water, let's get out of..Mmmf

Shadow couldn't help but pull his husband towards him and showed his appreciation by giving him a soft tender kiss, surprising Sonic who couldn't pull himself away, forgetting his fear and everyone who watched the two in the water before slowly pulling away with Shadow thanking him

Shadow: you even faced your fear just to save me, you really are falling for me

Sonic: Heh, what are you talking about, I already have a while back

the two exchange loving smiles with one another till they both hear loud cheers and see that everyone there is cheering them on

''go Sonic!.....way a go Sonic!..... Shadow is one lucky know what they say, love conquers all!... Hah, you could have saved the kiss when the princess finished her speech!''

Sonic turning shy blushed as he forgot they were there only for Shadow to hide the teen's blushes as he pulled his head toward his chest and and swam back to dry land where all his friends were waiting.

Tails quickly grabbed two tablecloths and handed them to both of them with a proud smirk on everyone's faces

Tails: good job Sonic, you manage to get over your fear just to save Shadow

Knuckles: we knew you liked Shadow a lot but didn't expect you would love him enough to forget your own phobia

Sonic was too embarrassed to even speak as his bushes and falling ears proved that the attention was starting to overwhelm him, with Shadow holding him when Sally came along and finished what she was saying before being disturbed

Sally: well I guess there is nothing to say except that you are both officially husbands. I would say give each other a kiss but you already beat me to it

everyone applure the happy couple with Shadow finally getting full control of his body and listed the bashful teen in his arms

Sally: aww, look how cute you are hun, being all shy after kissing your husband. I think on behalf of everyone that you should go off and start your honeymoon

Shadow: I think that would be best, let's go home, Faker

Tails: oh no, you two are not going home, you still have a surprise location to go to for the night

Khan: there is a little cottage we had prepared for you two back at Mobius to spend the night, why don't you take Sonic there and relax

Khan wrote down the location of the cottage to Shadow and passed it to him, thinking of them before disappearing into Mobius.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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