Chapter 6- Saying Goodbye

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Calum POV
It was about 5am and I rolled over and saw Kylie fast asleep. I decided to go get a shower as I had to go say goodbye to Jack.
I jumped in the shower. I kept thinking about last night how it just happened so fast. One minute I'm sitting looking in my song book, then next I've let a girl stay in my room who I've never meet before. The strange thing is I didn't feel uncomfortable around her, it was as if I had known her for years.

After my shower I changed into some basketball shorts and a drop dead shirt. I then walked into my room and saw Kylie was still asleep, i decided to try and wake her up as the counsellors would be doing wake up calls soon and I didn't know her schedule for the day.

"Kylie hey wake up" She moved  about and moaned a little

"Calum it's to early" I laughed a little and sat on my bed

"Yeah I know but they will be doing wake up call soon and if your not in your room all hells going to break lose, so come on sleepy pants" She sighed but got up

"Did you sleep well?" I asked

She smiled "yeah probably the best in a while, your bed seems to be comfier then mine" I raised an eyebrow and laughed

"I thought all the beds were the same" she got up and put her shoes on "yeah but mines older and been slept in way more then yours has"

That comment confused me, i thought she was new.
I just brushed it off and decided to go check the halls for any security of counsellors. It was all clear, Kylie ran out into the hall and i followed while locking my door.
She turned around and faced me
"Calum thank you so much for everything seriously you was really there for me when i needed someone last night" I smiled "well that's what friends are for, here take my number"
She handed me here phone "text me at breakfast and I'll meet you after I've said goodbye to my friend who's leaving today, you can meet Chloe and Lucy, they are my other friends, you will love them" I said and handed her back her phone
"Thank you Calum really" she said while pulling me in for a hug, I smile and rubbed her back. "I'll have your clothes washed and I'll give them back as soon as I can" I smiled "no rush really they are old clothes anyways"

I looked at my phone and saw jack had text me

Dude I'm leaving in 10 minutes meet in reception.

"I'm so sorry Kylie but I really have to go I've got to say bye to my friend he's leaving soon" she smiled "no problem I'll text you when I'm ready for breakfast" I nodded as I walked down the hall way "okay bye Kylie"

I ran to the reception as fast as I could because I needed to say goodbye to Jack, having him not here every day is going to be so difficult. He was the first friend i made here, and now he's leaving, the thought of this makes me feel so anxious.

I arrive at reception to see him sitting there surrounded by bags. I coughed to get his attention, he looked up and his face fell
"Cal.." He said as he stood up
I walked over to him and hugged him. I tried to stay as manly as i possibly could but at this point I became a 12 year old girl who's goldfish had just died. I wasn't sobbing but I'm not going to lie we both were pretty emotional.

"Dude your gonna be okay i promise you, you are so strong and in no time we're going to be walking the strip of Las Vegas getting drunk as fuck and being goofy little shits" I laughed and pulled away from the hug. "I know man it's just gonna be hard, who am I going to vent to when Daniels being a prick, and have manly chats to when Chloe and Lucy just talk about periods and sex" he laughed and put his hand on my shoulder "dude I'm a text or call away okay, your not alone okay just be positive and count the days down until you leave, it will fly by, focus on getting back to the guys okay, playing shows and living up to the rockstar life you have told us all about" I hugged him again and just nodded. We heard Daniels voice call Jack to leave.

"Calum you should be in breakfast" I pulled out of the hug and just nodded "bye dude, enjoy being free, and if you need me you know where I am man" Jack smiled and put his thumb up "same man remember what I said you'll be out of here in no time, bye dude" I waved to him "bye man"

I then watched as Daniel took his bags out into the security room to get his parents to sign him out so he isn't under the records anymore.
I sighed and looked at my phone and saw I had a text

Hey Calum it's Kylie, shall I meet you by the entrance of the canteen
I replied with;
Hey Kylie, yeah just meet me there I'll be 2 mins

As I walked over to the canteen I saw a girl who looked about 14 being taken to the hall, with there eyes all puffy and red with a suitcase and paperwork with Karen one of the other counsellors followed behind her, poor little soul, if only I could just give her a cuddle. She looked so helpless and lost.

In no time I saw Kylie standing with wet hair and some jeans and a bring me the horizon jumper on. "Let's eat because i can feel my body beginning to eat away at my fat" she laughed at me which I found sweet, I'm just glad to see her act happy, rather then last night.

I walked to the usual table me Chloe and Lucy sit at and waited for them to say the breakfast bar was open. Kylie kept looking around nervously so i put a hand on her lower back i felt her muscles ease as soon and i held her and brought her closer to me. I whispered "what's wrong" she looks around again "people have been staring at us this whole time"

I looked around and she was right most of the few people in here kept starting at us. It annoyed me because I knew they were the people who was all over me the moment I got here because of who I was. "What, you've never seen to friends have breakfast together before." They just all looked away and didn't say anything. Kylie moved away

"I'm sorry Calum it's my fault I shouldn't have sat here." She stood up and started to walk away, I grabbed her arm, I knew i had caught some cuts, and I knew it had hurt but i pulled her back and sat her down "your not going anywhere okay, your my friend and they're just being silly, I'm sorry by the way I didn't mean to catch your arm"

She looked down "thank you, and it's fine don't worry." Then we heard giggling and I knew it was Lucy and Chloe.
"Cal! We just said bye to Jack, did you" i sighed "sadly yeah, it sucks he's gone"
They nodded "yeah it does, anyways who's this." Chloe said sweetly
I looked at Kylie and she had looked up and was smiling. I decide to let her introduce herself.

Kylie POV
After what had just happened my anxiety was hitting the roof And now having to introduce myself was making me feel physically sick, but if Calum's friends with them I can't be rude I have to smile and try and push this panicking feeling the to back of my mind, like I've been taught so many times.
"Hey I'm Kylie, Kylie Newman it's so nice to meet you"
They smiled. And walked over and hugged me
"Hey Kylie, I'm Chloe and this is Lucy it's so nice to have another girl in the group"
I looked at Calum and smiled he smiled and put his thumb up. His smiled made me feel so at home. I'm just happy I finally have friends. After all this time, every time I come back, I know this time will be different.

I'm sorry for not uploading in god knows how long I've have a rollercoaster few months and things have calmed down a little more and I've found time to carry on with this series which I have missed so much I have so many plans ahead for this story I can't wait to share them with you, I hope you enjoyed,😘

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