t w e n t y

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Ah, procrastination—my old friend. It's like having a constant party in my brain, where productivity isn’t invited, but distractions are the guests of honor.

There I was, fully intending to start my homework. But then I thought, what if I don’t have the perfect playlist? I can’t possibly work without the right music. So, I spent an hour curating the ultimate study mix. By the time I finished, I was practically a DJ, but my homework was still untouched.

Next, I decided my workspace needed to be perfect. After all, how can one work in a cluttered environment? Cue another hour spent cleaning my desk, organizing pens, and rearranging books. My room looked ready for a magazine spread, but my homework was still glaring at me from the corner.

Then came the hunger. What if I start working and get hungry halfway through? Better to eat now. But what to eat? I couldn’t just have a regular snack; it had to be something special. So, I embarked on a culinary journey to make the perfect sandwich, complete with gourmet toppings. By the time I finished eating, I was basically a chef, but my homework? Still untouched.

Of course, I couldn’t possibly start working with my phone buzzing every few minutes. I decided to do a quick check of my social media—just to clear notifications, you know? Two hours later, I had scrolled through endless memes, watched several cat videos, and liked every post on my feed. I was now a social media connoisseur, but my homework was still sitting there, judging me.

As the day turned into evening, I remembered that exercise is important. What if I’m too stiff to concentrate? Better do a quick workout. An hour of yoga later, I was feeling zen, but my homework was still untouched, mocking me silently.

Finally, it was bedtime. What if I don’t get enough sleep and can’t focus tomorrow? Better to rest now and tackle the homework first thing in the morning. And with that, I crawled into bed, my mind at ease, knowing I had successfully procrastinated the entire day away.

Because if there’s one thing I’m great at, it’s finding every possible excuse to avoid what I actually need to do. And hey, there’s always tomorrow, right?


The next morning, I woke up to my alarm clock screeching like a banshee in need of coffee. The chaos of yesterday played in my mind like a blooper reel. I dragged myself out of bed, squinted at my reflection, and told myself, “You survived ripped jeans and a Kevin showdown. You can survive anything.”

I walked into school, my heart doing an Olympic sprint at the thought of seeing Kevin again. Was I ready for another encounter? Absolutely not. But I also knew hiding under my bed forever wasn’t an option. The whispers and giggles from yesterday had thankfully simmered down, but I still felt like a reality TV star without the paycheck.

As I was walking through the corridor of the hell hole also known as St. Lauren high school's hallway.

"Why are you looking back at the hallway while walking straight, Vinny? Did you prank Jade again and now you're on the lookout?" Sierra's voice startled me.

"Oh my god, Si!" I said, placing a hand on my heart. "You scared me!" Sierra just shrugged.

"Tell me, why are we having this 'walk by looking back' party?" she asked again.

"It's not Jade. We came to school together, idiot. It's the two dumb hollow marshmallows of my life I'm trying to avoid," I hissed as she smacked my arm for calling her an idiot. She made a funny face and asked, "Who are they?"

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