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"Let's get back to dinner, Vaila," Kevin said, turning to face me while wrapping his hands around Selene's waist.

"It won't be necessary. She must have some homework pending, like the little nerd she is," Selene dismissed his request, taunting me.

"But she didn't even touch her food. She must be hungry. We were studying for a solid two hours," Kevin responded.

"We can give her a slice of pizza to eat on her way back home," Selene shot back.

"No, she can stay. I have to drop her off since I picked her up," Kevin insisted.

"It won't be necessary. Right, Anvaila? You can call your sister to pick you up from here." She looked sharply at me and continued, "Besides, we will be having our own fun." She gave Kevin a seductive look.

My heart was already breaking, and her voice made me want to throw up the food I had eaten at school. I was on an empty stomach now since Kevin had promised me dinner. A sad life with no food and no boo.

"Honestly, Kevin, why do you even bother with her? She looks like she just crawled out of a library. Probably smells like one too," Selene sneered. "You should be hanging out with people on your level, not wasting time with this loser."

"She didn't even dress up for dinner. I mean, look at her," Selene continued, her voice dripping with contempt. "Vinny, do you even own anything that isn't a hand-me-down? It's embarrassing to be seen with someone who looks like they just walked out of a thrift store."

In my mind, I was reeling from her words, each one hitting me like a punch to the gut.

Who does she think she is? I thought, trying to keep my expression neutral. Just because she dresses like she walked out of a fashion magazine doesn't mean she gets to judge me. Clothes don't define who I am.

I glanced down at my outfit, a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, comfortable and practical. So what if I didn't dress up? I came here to study, not to impress anyone. And why should I have to dress up for dinner at Kevin's place?

It's not like I'm trying to compete with her, I continued in my head. I don't care about her stupid labels and designer brands. What matters is what's inside, right?

But her words still stung. Is that really how people see me? Just some poor girl in hand-me-downs? I wondered. Maybe I should have tried harder, put in more effort. But no, why should I change myself to fit their shallow standards?

Kevin invited me because he knows who I am and he knows I'm more than what I wear. Or at least, I thought he did, I thought bitterly, feeling the tears welling up again. How can he just stand there and let her talk to me like this? Doesn't he care? I am his friend.

Selene can have her perfect looks and her perfect life. But she doesn't get to make me feel small and worthless. I know who I am, and I won't let her take that away from me.

Despite my inner resolve, a wave of sadness washed over me. Why does it have to be like this? Why can't people just accept each other for who they are?

I deserve better than this. I deserve friends who respect me and a life where I don't have to feel ashamed of who I am. I won't let her get to me. Not anymore.

With that thought, I tried to muster up the strength to face them both, knowing that the hardest part was yet to come.

"I will leave, don't worry," I said, swallowing the huge lump in my throat and trying my best not to let my tears fall in front of them.

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