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After 10 days jungkook got discharged from hospital and came home...... asked him where was he ,but he didn't tell the truth. He simply said he has work so he went out of seoul ...... By saying this jungkook hurriedly went to his room taehyung also followed him.....

Now taehyung asked jungkook "Where were you jungkook tell me the truth?".

"I already said tae" Jungkook replied ...

" you are not saying truth jungkook "Tae questioned but jungkook didn't answered by saying "I am tired tae" he layed on the bed and fell sleep .......

By seeing jungkook taehyung thought " I don't know why but I am feeling something is big you hiding from me any cost I will know the truth..."

3 days went like this but taehyung didn't found anything.....about what jungkook is hiding.....

But from 3 days jungkook didn't went to college and he look so pale and weak......

Next morning jungkook was in the room, cleaning his gun....That moment teahyung came to room.....

"Are you not going to college (hospital)?"jungkook questioned......

"Without knowing where were you 10 days , I am not going anywhere " Tae replied........

"Why are you so stubborn Tae, I said naa I went out of seoul for work".....

Again lie....... tae replied

"I am not lying".....

Whom with were you jungkook???

Tea questioned by listening his words jungkook felt hell shock......

"Tae do you know with whom you are talking like this?"

Yes I know tell me who is that boy?? You already got bored of me naa ???? That's the reason you are dating new one naa???

"What????Tae you know naa how much I love you, how can you say these things to mee???"

Yes, yes I know everything, boys like you can do everything....

"Boys like me can do everything?? Taehyung I am not like other boys......
Now jungkook was in the verge if cry but he controlled".....

By seeing jungkook taehyung thought in his mind.... I am sorry jungkook I know you didn't do anything wrong but this is the only to know the truth from you......
By thinking this he again continued his bullshit talks but he didn't know it is going to hurt him like anything.. ......

You told me I love lisa right??? Now I am telling you that you didn't loved me ..... I am just jungkook's toy who can play whenever he want and throw me.....there is no love ...... you don't love mee........

"Tae ....... I love you more than my life you can't say like this " jungkook said in crying voice......

Love mee...... then say me the truth......

"Trust me tae ..... I love you so much ......I really can do anything ..... even I can give my life for you"

Life what a joke jungkook, you couldn't even give me answer of this simple question, you are talking about giving life haa????

" I can give anything expect 2 things one thing is answer for this question and another one is divorce "......

You can't jungkook, you can't...... actually you don't know the meaning of the love ...... you just playing with me.....

Saying this words to jungkook taehyung angrily came out of the room.....

But his heart broke into million pieces when he heard shooting sound......he turned behind and screamed jungkook's name ..........
You all guessed correct jungkook shoot himself with his gun🥺......

"Jungkook why did you did this......wake up jungkook wake up" Tae shouted.....

"Now you are free tae from me, I really loved you more than my life........... I proved that I really love you......... "by saying this jungkook closed his eyes.......

By seeing jungkook teahyung burst into tears ........ taehyung immediately took jungkook to hospital.........Without wasting time doctor took jungkook to operation room......

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