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Mrs. Heelshire moves up the stairs with surprising quickness for a woman of her age and size. Behind her Vincent easily keeps up with her, with Brahms held in his arms.

"Brahms has a detailed schedule. You are detail oriented, aren't you?" Mrs. Heelshire asked.

"Yes, I am. Sometimes." Vincent admits sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"We'll run through a typical day. It's Brahms' decision in the end and he can be quite selective. We've had a number of nannies come through already. Though none of them were nearly as pretty or as young as you." Mrs. Heelshire said, turning around and looking at Vincent who blushed at the compliment making her smile softly. "That is your real hair color, I assume?"

"Yes." Vincent said, nodding.

"That's good. You never know nowadays." Mrs. Heelshire said, continuing up the stairs with Vincent behind her.


Mrs. Heelshire undresses Brahms and then puts little doll pajamas on him as she talks. "You'll wake him at 7:00 each morning and dress him." She finishes putting Brahms in pajamas and puts him in bed. Then she looks at Vincent expectantly.

Vincent looks like a deer caught in headlights making Mrs. Heelshire smiles again, seemingly amused.

Mrs. Heelshire motions towards a dresser. "You'll find his clothes in there." She said. "Wake and dress him, Mr. Livingstone. There's no better way to learn than by doing."

Vincent nods and walks to the dresser and opens up the top drawer. Inside are five full outfits; socks, underwear, pants, shirt and jacket. He pulls one out and walks to the bed where Brahms is sleeping.

Vincent sits in the bed next to Brahms. "It's time to wake up, Brahms." He said softly, pulling the covers off of him and pulls him up into his arms very gently and carefully. Then, he starts pulling off Brahms pajamas and starts dressing him up. After he finished, he looked up at Mrs. Heelshire who looks satisfied by his work.


Mrs. Heelshire moves along briskly with Vincent walking behind her, Brahms in his arms with his head on his shoulder.

"Normally breakfast would be next, but it's already the afternoon now, so we'll move on to class. Brahms, as you might imagine, is home-schooled." Mrs. Heelshire said, coming to a door at the end of the hall and stopping. She looks at Vincent who stands there with Brahms in his arms. She softly smiles. "He can be a bit much to carry, I'm afraid. I've got Mr. Heelshire to help me, but you'll be alone out here. Do you think you can manage?"

"Of course. No problem." Vincent said, taking a deep breath while he can making Mrs. Heelshire smiles again.

Mrs. Heelshire nods and opens the door to the classroom. The walls are lined with bookcases full of dusty books. In the center of the room are two desks and at the front, a podium. All very mid-50's style.

"Brahms has three hours of class five days a week. I like to begin by reading some poetry. Do you know any poetry, Mr. Livingstone." Mrs Heelshire asked.

Vincent slowly shakes his head. "I'll read them for Brahms."

Mrs. Heelshire nods, satisfied by his response. "It's very important you speak in a LOUD, CLEAR VOICE." She demonstrates, looking at Vincent.

"YES. OF COURSE." Vincent said in the same tone Mrs. Heelshire had used making her smile once again.

"Excellent." Mrs. Heelshire said, then she spins on her heels and vanishes back out into the hallway. "Music appreciation is next..."

Vincent quickly moves on his feet and follows Mrs. Heelshire into the living room, who told Vincent to place Brahms on the couch. He does what she's told and places Brahms on the couch, the doll starts to slide and is about to fall but Vincent quickly sets him upright.

Mrs. Heelshire motions towards a large cabinet style record player almost buried underneath stacks of records. "Music, Mr. Livingstone. I don't think Brahms could go on without his music. It means everything to him. It is his world." She picks up a record and sets it on the turntable. "You simply take a record and place it here, then take the needle and..."

The record starts spinning. From the hum and hiss Vincent can tell the volume is turned up loud.

"Brahms likes it a bit louder than I prefer, but it gives him so much joy I don't dare take it away from him." Mrs. Heelshire said.

Right on cue, the music jumps in -- a thunderous burst that nearly gives Vincent a heart attack.

Mrs. Heelshire closes her eyes, enjoying the music.

Vincent looks at Brahms and it almost -- almost -- looks as if a little smile has crept onto his face.


Mrs. Heelshire circles the table. A bowl of some kind of steaming stew for Mr. Heelshire, Vincent and then finally, for Brahms. Mr. Heelshire ties a napkin around Brahms' neck before Vincent sits.

Vincent decided to help Mr. Heelshire and finished it, Mr. Heelshire gives him a grateful smile.

"Brahms is very fond of you. You have amazed him a lot." Mr. Heelshire said.

Vincent softly laughs and blushes, turning to speak to Brahms directly. "Thank you, Brahms. I am very fond of you as well."

"Brahms would like to know if you love to read books? Or loves doing anything else?" Mr. Heelshire asked.

Vincent turns to Brahms, smiling softly. "I do love books, sometimes I love cleaning and cooking, but that's it."

Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire smiles at one another.

Soon after, Mrs. Heelshire walks quickly into the kitchen -- she's back in tour mode, going a mile-a-minute. Vincent follows her, holding the dinner dishes.

"We don't throw any food out in this house, Mr. Livingstone. This is a country house, do you know what that means?" Mrs. Heelshire asked.

"No..." Vincent answered, never heard of it before.

"It means we are in a constant battle with the outside elements. Weather and plants and vermin. Especially vermin, Mr. Livingstone. So we take certain measures against them." Mrs. Heelshire opens a cupboard -- inside is a mountain of tupperware. Mrs. Heelshire takes Brahms' bowl of stew and dumps it in a container. "Mr. Heelshire can tell you about those duties."

For the first time Vincent notices Mr. Heelshire standing in the doorway holding Brahms lovingly in his arms. He hands Brahms to Mrs. Heelshire and takes the tupperware.

"If you'll follow me." Mr. Heelshire said, and walked to the laundry room with Vincent behind him.

A large freezer is shoved into the corner of the room. Mr. Heelshire drops the tupperware container inside. "The food goes in here. Now I'll show you the traps."

Vincent cocked his head. Traps...?

Inside the wall - Brahms Heelshire x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now