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Vincent follows Brahms into the walls, watching as Brahms pushes through a curtain and walks into Brahms' room.

Everything you could need is in here. A sink. A shower. A toilet. A microwave and a fridge. Canned foods. Various tupperware, mostly empty.

It's lit dimly with Christmas lights illuminating various porn magazines and a few porn pictures hung from the walls along with various pages from a coloring book. Toys line the shelves. It's part jail cell, and part demented dorm room.

Vincent moves around Brahms, looking around the room. "You've been living here for thirty years?" He questioned, reaching up and touching the walls -- they're covered in some kind of textured foam. "Sound proofed?" He said, turning to look behind him at Brahms who has a letter in his hand.

Brahms holds out the letter for Vincent who took it and starts reading it.

We won't be back. We've gone on now to heaven where someday we'll all be reunited. The boy is yours now. A final gift from us. Treat him well. Let him see the beautiful, sweet little boy that we love so very, very much...

Vincent lowers the letter as he notices a bed.

And on it is a home-made looking doll, almost life-size.

Vincent inches closer, noticing the clothes it's wearing. A white shirt, blue cardigan and black pants on it. His clothes. It has a necklace -- a thin silver chain with a green gem. His necklace.

Vincent shivers when he feels Brahms stands behind him, feeling his body heat. He blushed when Brahms brushed his fingers over his waist, looking back down at the doll.

"Why is there a doll of me, Brahms?" Vincent questioned, looking up at Brahms who is looking down at him with a glint in his eyes.

"You know." Brahms whispered, moving his fingers away from Vincent's waist so he could grip it instead, pulling him back into his body making Vincent gasp. "You know why." He whispered, thrusting his hips forward into Vincent's ass.

"You need a shower and sleep." Vincent said, stopping Brahms before he could go on any further, turning around in Brahms' grasp to look up at him. "It's been a long day, Brahms." He said when Brahms didn't make a move away from him.

Brahms sighs but nodded, turning and starts walking back to the living room with Vincent behind him.

Vincent stops, looking at Malcolm and Cole who is still on the floor. He looks up at Brahms when he takes his hand, pulling him up the stairs to the bathroom.

Vincent let out a squeak when Brahms starts taking off his clothes, turning around so he could give the man some privacy. Behind him, he can hear Brahms chuckling in amusement.

Vincent makes himself busy by filling the tub with water, ignoring the ruffling of clothes being taken off behind him. He wonders where Arlo is. "Brahms?" Brahms grunt to answer him. "Where is Arlo?" He asked, not looking back to look at Brahms, knowing that he is naked.

"Sleeping." Brahms answered, watching Vincent who is kneeled down on the floor.

Vincent nodded and stood up, not raising his head from the ground as he turned his body to face Brahms.

Brahms raises his hands and places them on Vincent's arms, making him look up at him. He let out a content sound when Vincent starts blushing under his gaze, it's even better knowing that any of this never happened with Malcolm. Vincent never blushed around Malcolm, never acts like this around Malcolm, never reciprocate Malcolm's feelings.

"Brahms." Vincent whispered, wondering what's Brahms is thinking about. Though he did notice Brahms' eyes is slowly turning dark as he thinks about whatever he's thinking. "Shower."

Inside the wall - Brahms Heelshire x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now