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Vincent dresses Brahms, talking to him softly as he does. "Everything will be okay. He'll leave and we'll go back to the way things were..."

Rumbling from downstairs. Like someone talking to themselves. Then an angry shout.

"Vincent! VINCENT!" Cole shouts.

A flash of fear passes on Arlo and Vincent's face. Vincent picks up Brahms, holding him close and walks to the living room with Arlo following him.

Vincent stops in the doorway, afraid to enter.

Cole doesn't notice him at first, scrubbing his face with his t-shirt. Finally he turns and sees him, his face smeared with blood. "Get in here!"

Vincent doesn't move.

Cole's eyes are wild -- filled with rage. The eyes of some animals.

"What happened?" Vincent asked.

"Get in here!" Cole exclaimed.

Vincent steps into the room, but Cole violently grabs him by the arm and drags him to face the wall.

LEAVE is written in blood. Below are two dead rats lying in a small pool of blood.

"What is this?" Cole questioned.

"I didn't--"

Cole jerks him violently. "Don't pull this shit on me, Vincent..."

"It wasn't me." Vincent said, looking down at Brahms.

"The doll? The doll wrote this?" Cole said.

Vincent doesn't say anything, hearing a creak from his right.

"Fine. Okay. It wasn't you. It was the doll. Give it to me." Cole said.

Vincent backs away.

"Hand him over." Cole said.

"No." Vincent said.

"Don't play around with me. I've had as much as I can take with you." Cole said.

"I did it. You were right." Vincent said, glancing behind him at Arlo but he wasn't where he was standing before.

"It's too late for that." Cole said, bringing Vincent's attention back to him. "I gave you a chance to come clean. Give me that doll. Now. I'm not joking around."

Cole lunges at Vincent and grabs him. The two struggle, but Vincent's no match for Cole who is much bigger than him. Cole rips the doll out of Vincent's arms with one hand and pushes him down to the floor with the other.

"No!" Vincent exclaimed. In a flash he is back on his feet. He lunges at Cole who holds him back with one hand, lifting the doll over his head with the other.

He's about to smash the doll on the floor when.

"Stop!" Malcolm exclaimed.

Cole looks over to Malcolm, standing in the entranceway.

"Get your things. Get out." Malcolm said.

Cole pulls away from Vincent, still holding Brahms. Cole motions to the wall. "Everyone seems to be in a big hurry for me to leave. Maybe you're the one that left me this little message. Or are you going to say it was the doll too?"

Malcolm doesn't answer.

"Cole, you don't understand. He's real. He's just a little boy. Please, let him go, please..." Vincent said, glancing at the wall with concerns.

Cole looks at Brahms -- holding him up for appraisal. "He's real, huh? Let's see about that." And then he does something that they'll all regret.

Cole slams Brahms down headfirst into the ground and the crash of porcelain breaking is loud. Jagged pieces of Brahms' head fly in different directions.

Inside the wall - Brahms Heelshire x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now