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Vincent gently places Brahms on his bed, making the doll face him so he could watch him. "I need to finish unpacking, I hope you don't mind." He said, pulling his hands away and staying just in case Brahms slide down.

He stood up when Brahms didn't move, satisfied. He moves to his bags and starts unpacking, grabbing a shirt, folding it and placing it inside the drawer. He repeats this with his other shirts, pants, socks, cardigan and underwear.

He turns back to the suitcase and sees a well-worn picture. It's a picture of him-- when he was younger-- and a younger boy in his arms who is looking at the camera with a bright grin. It's a picture of Arlo and him making him smile at the picture.

He turns around to look at Brahms, looking back down at the picture and then decides to walk towards Brahms. He sits next to him, bringing the doll closer to him so Brahms could look at the picture. "This is Arlo. My little brother." He said, smiling softly at the bright grin on Arlo's face. "He was taken away from me when our parents died..." His smile fades. "I tried to adopt him five years ago, but I couldn't because I have no money to take care of both of us."

Vincent looks down at Brahms, placing the photo on his bedside table. "Let's go eat, shall we?" He asked, taking Brahms into his arms and started walking towards the kitchen.

Vincent places Brahms on his chair, ties a napkin around the doll's neck and starts cooking. After a while, he places the stew in front of Brahms and starts eating.

Later, he read Brahms poetry with the tone Mrs. Heelshire had told him to do. Listen to music together with Brahms while he reads the book, and later eats dinner with Brahms. He talks with Brahms, of course, to pass the time.

Soon after Vincent walks out of the bathroom with Brahms in his arms, having just showered the doll. He starts placing Brahms on the bed, gently, and looks at him with a small smile.

Vincent leans his head down and kisses Brahms on the cheek, leaning back to look at Brahms. "Good night, Brahms. I love you. Sweet dreams." He said, pulling the blanket up Brahms' body and stood up.

Vincent walks towards the door, looking back at Brahms and flicks off the light, softly closing the door and starts walking towards his room.


Vincent stirs and then opens his eyes. Lifting his head just enough to look around the room -- as if he's remembering where he is.

Vincent lets his head fall back onto the pillow, ready to go back to sleep when he hears something that makes him sit back up instantly.

A child crying. Big painful sobs that are just barely audible above the rain outside.

Vincent throws the covers off and is quick to walk through the hallway and pauses -- listening. More crying, even louder now. He follows the sound to the stairs.

He quickly walks down the stairs, closer and closer to the sounds of the crying child until he reaches the family portrait.

The crying suddenly stops.

Vincent looks around. The house is completely still and silent, save for the ever growing rumble of the rain outside.

He turns around when he hears footsteps and sees Malcolm looking at him with a weird look on his face. And then, it was so sudden that it took him by surprise. Malcolm starts running towards him, making him back away onto the painting.

It was surprising again when adult arms were wrapped around him, pulling him into the painting. Malcolm pounds his fists against the painting, angry at him.

Vincent looks up and his breath hitches, it was Brahms looking down at him with an intrigued eyes.


Vincent wakes up in his bed, looking around the room, sitting up on his bed, breathing hard as the memory gives way to reality. The sound of rain is coming down.

Vincent chuckles, leaning back against the headboard. "Thanks for saving me, Brahms."

Then he sat up when he heard the sound of crying. Soft sobs, barely audible above the wind and rain outside.

Vincent throws the covers off and walks briskly out of the hallway. Just like in his dreams, he stood and listened. But the sobs are gone now, replaced by the thousand tiny drumbeats of the rain.

Vincent looks towards Brahms' room and walks towards it, softly knocking on the door to make himself known to Brahms before opening the door.

Brahms is just as he left him. But now, something is glistening on his cheeks.

Vincent moves in closer, the floor creaking mercilessly with his every step. He bends down, his face close to Brahms. The rain rumbling outside.

There are tears are running down Brahms' cheeks.

Vincent frowns, reaching out and touches his cheek as one of the tears runs down his porcelain face. As soon as he touches it -- feels its wetness -- he sucked in a breath, frowning deeper.

A drop of water falls with a splat on Brahms' face.

Vincent looks up on the ceiling, seeing a large brown stain from water damage, close to falling and then another drop splashes down on Brahms.

Vincent lets out a big sigh of relief, taking Brahms into his arms before another water could hit the doll. "Let's wake up, hm? I'm sure you're awake from all of that water." He said, sighing softly.


Vincent just repeats what was on the paper. He takes care of Brahms, eats, read poetry, listen to music, eats again, shower, kisses Brahms on the cheek, repeats the three sentences and then he walks back to his room.

Vincent is reading a book he brought with him, placed on his lap, the picture of Arlo and him still on the bedside table -- though it looks like it has been moved. He never paid it any mind, thinking the picture must have been moved when he had pulled the covers off.

Arlo wouldn't be able to call him today, having been tired of doing his work at the orphanage.

Vincent turned his head to the wall again when he heard another creak, though he can't help but wonder. He's not going out there to look for what's making that noise, he might be dumb but he is not that dumb.

Inside the wall - Brahms Heelshire x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now