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Aurora ¬¡

A/N: Whenever you see this little mark ( § ) it means a new day. C:


I heard my phone ring from my dresser and let it ring as I got out of bed. I read the screen and it said "missed call. Zoey101 " which was my contact name for Zoella.

I started undressing then got a text.

'Guess who's in America!'

I got exited at that text but waiting until I was dressed to reply. I got in the shower and washed the dirt from my hair then wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my bed.

I slip on my under clothes then put on my small ripped shorts and a flowered crop top. I walked over to my vanity table and applied my face makeup then my eyeliner and mascara.

I heard a knock at the door. 'Come in!', I shouted.

'Hey Zoe is here!', I hear Ricky shout. 'Shit I wasn't suppose to say that.'

'Well good job, Ricky.'

I slip on my white converse then run downstairs with my phone in my hand. 'Zozo!'

'Aura!', she squealed giving my a huge hug. I pulled away from the hug and saw Alfie standing behind her.

'Hey Alf!', I say hugging him aswel. 'We have an extra room follow me!'

I brought them to the room across from my room and watched them set there stuff down.

'One bed?', Alfie says scratching his neck.

'There is a couch down stairs. But I think you two will be fine.', I smirk grabbing Zoey's wrist.

'You know all the guys right?', I ask as we made it to the front door.

'Of course I do!'

'Good so I don't have to hunt the rabbits down. We are going shopping like now.', I say but she pulled me back.

'I hate to ask this but could I possibly take a shower first? I smell like airplane and sweat.', she giggles.

'Oh, sure. Down the hall to the right. There's also one in your room but I think Alfie already is in the shower since I hear running water.'

'Thanks, Aura.'

I waited about 30 minutes downstairs finishing an episode of (insert your favourite show here because I'm a lazy asshole) then remembered it's Zoe and she'd need edleast another hour to get ready. It was 9:00 AM pretty damn early for all this rucus but you get used to it.

'Aura! Come here, look!', Sam shouts to me. I didn't even realize he came back.

I run- jog- up the stairs and into his room. 'What's up?'

'Did you have something to do with this whole "o2l girls are confident" hashtag?'

'No. Honestly I haven't been on social media since Tuesday. Fans surpise you guys all the time don't they?'

'Sure do. I never thought we would be this big. I never want o2l to end and if it does have some shitty turn out... That I'll still be friends with these people.'

'Aww that's sweet.', we hear a voice say.

'Hey Jc.', I chuckle. 'Is Zoe out of the bathroom yet?'

'Don't know and don't care.', he groans taking a seat in Sam's greenish grey beanbag chair.

'Well you're helpful.'

I walk back downstairs and decided to get on Twitter to check this whole hashtag thing out.

There were 295.8k tweets about this putting it 2nd in top trending.

'Holy crap guys. You have no idea how proud Sam is of this hashtag trending. I don't think the others have seen-'

'-The hashtag yet but they will soon enough. Much love my kittens.'

I tweeted both tweets then set my phone back in my pocket. I heard the bathroom door unlock and out came a newly freshened up Zoella.

'Alright let's g.o.', she smiles opening the door for me.

'Thank you kind sir.', I curtsey.

'My honor madam.'

We arrive in the car and Zoella blasts the song "Karmen: Brokenhearted" through Kian's car (which I totally didn't steal the keys to) and she starts humming along to.

Kian ¬!

'Hey... Um Jc can I ask you about something really quick?', I ask as he walks over.

'If it's about kissing me for a video the answer is no but you can still try as you always do.'

'Nono not about that it's about Aura.', I chuckle as we take a seat on the couch.

'Oh, go ahead bud.'

'I think I kinda... Like her? I don't know I've known her so long-'

'We've known her so long.', Jc corrects me.

'Yeah whatever. It's just she's the polar opposite of me and I don't know if she feels the same way.'

'Well just ask her. That's best I can tell you.', he says shrugging his shoulders.

'What did you do to get Lia?'

'I just asked her...'

'Thanks man. Any idea where she is?'

'She left with Zoe. Oh I think she stole your keys aswel.', he says stiffling a laugh.

I smile before walking up to my room and start hearing Trevor sing "We can't stop" by his queen Miley.


I guess I fell asleep or something because I woke up in my same clothes from yesterday and my hair was a frizzy mess.

I tried to tame my hair a bit but no luck. 'I'll just take a shower.', I sigh.

I finish in the shower then put on some ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt that had white letters which said "H!gh" on the front. Okay it may have been Sam's shirt... I put on a snap back hat and it said "obey" on it because I'm so basic.

I breathed in and out then made my way down the hall towards Aurora's room.

'Aurora? You in there?', I asked knocking. I heard laughing then the door opened.

'Oh. Hey Kian. What's up you look tense?', Zoe said.

'Hey, Zoe. Can I talk to Aura real quick?'

'Yeah. I'll wait downstairs.', she says. By downstairs she meant hiding outside the door listening because right as I shut it I heard her fall into the door.

'What's up, Laws?', Aura asked not looking up from her phone.

'I need to... Ask you something is now a good time or...?', I say awkwardly and scratching my neck.

'Yes. Something wrong?'

'No- yes-', I take a deep breath. 'Nothings wrong. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to the ice cream parlour down the block with me?'

'As a date...?'

'Yeah... A date. What do you say?', I ask getting way more nervous then I probably should of been.

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