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Aurora's POV

~A few weeks later. I'm sorry I ran out of fucking ideas.

'Yeah. I don't do the singing thing, sorry Ricky.', I laugh as he grabs my hand and we danced around the room.

'No, you do Kian.', Ricky smirks as I quickly pull my hand away and cross my arms. My face turned a deep shade of red and Kian just shrugged and took a sip of his soda.

We finally had all of the guys together. It felt like such a long time since Jc, Connor, Sam, Ricky, Kian, Trevor, and I had all been in the same room - or house for that matter - it's crazy. I guess everybody did have to be here since they were going on tour in a few days.

'Sing!', I hear Sam shout as he grabbed an Arizona from the mini fridge.

'No.', I huff and roll my eyes. I saw Connor scrolling through his tumblr. 'Why don't you ask Mr. TG over here?'

Connor looks up at me using just his eyes then at the other boys who were all know looking at him aswel. 'That isn't happening.'

'Well there you go!', I giggle taking a seat next to Kian. He wrapped him arm around me and kissed the side of my head.

'You'll sing soon enough.', Trevor says turning on some shitty music.

I focused my eyes on the television that I saw was playing a relatively scary movie. Annabelle.

A/N: Annabelle isnt that scary tbh I'm just a wimp like Aura so like I'm sorry if that made you mad. I wrote this at night so I'm probably going to die in my sleep okay rip bye my doll is gonna murder me.

'Can we change it?', I ask as my eyes stayed glued to the screen in fear the doll might crawl out of the screen and kill me or some weird shit.

'Are you scared?', Jc taunts. I ignore him and ask again.


'Are you scared?', Sam asked with a breathly laugh.


Suddenly fingers creeped up my neck. 'Boo!', Kian shouts making me jump off the couch and letting out a scream.

The entire room bursts out laughing and Trevors laugh was the one I heard the most since it sounds like a dying fucking alpaca.

'That wasn't funny!', I groan rolling my eyes in annoyance. 'That was mean!'

'Aww. I'm sorry babe, come here.', Kian chuckles reaching his arms out. I accepted his apology and crawled into his arms.

'I'm sorry babe.', Jc mocks attempting to crawl into Connors lap but Connor pushes him away.

Aww, I could of started that ship but it hasn't sailed yet sadly.

I started tracing over his tattoos making sure not to miss a line of detail. 'That feels nice.', I hear Kian say with a little chuckle.


'Get a room.', Ricky says with sass as the doorbell rings. I pushed my face closer to Kian's arm and smiled as I traced over more of his sleeve.

I watched Jenn and Jack run in excitedly. Sadly Zoe and Alfie went back home and were no longer here.

'What's up!', Jenn shouts jumping on the couch Trevor was on. Jack laughed as he followed behind Ricky.

'What's up dewd.', Jc said making that "crab" face Kian always makes.

Jenn tried to mock the face but flopped extremely bad. 'Egg.', Trevor called.

Jenn pretended to be offended as she made that () emoji. Which was technically Rickys thing but she slayed it.

'You guys are so fucking cute.', Jack says looking at Kian and I.

'OTP!', Jenn called.

'Sorry that's Tronnor.', I smirk sitting up.

Connor looks at me and just shakes his head. 'Don't deny it. Troye wrote a song about it and everything.'

'Oh god.', Connor giggles doing that thing he does with his hands when he laughs.

'Troye even admitted you were his OTP.', Jack says jumping on top of Jenn.

'Get off fatass water boy.', Jenn groans shoving him on the ground.

'Goddddd. Shush.', Connor says taking a breath then going back to his laptop.

I stood up and grabbed a controller. 'Who's gonna verse me on balloons?'

I quickly through a controller too Kian as Jc, and Jenn were the first to grab the only other 2 remotes we owned. Luckily Ricky didn't mind and I'm glad because he always gets the head start at the beginning and it's fucking bull because I release that 2 button so fast.

Jenn and Jc ended up winning because Kian killed himself by jumping off the fucking edge for the "laughs" and I get seriously competitive with these things.

'I'll be back.', Jc laughs walking into the kitchen. He comes back a while later with some alcohol and plastic cups.

'Yeah... not happening.', I say shaking my head.

'Same here.', Jenn and Connor agree.

'Oh my god we said it at the same time!', Jenn chuckles.

'I'm just gonna record a Q&A.', Connor smiles as me and Jenn follow.

We watch Connor set up his camera and smirk at each other. 'Can we all do the Q&A?', Jenn asks.


We take a seat next to him and listen to his intro.

'-and I'm here with JennxPenn and AurorasMakeup!', he finishes.

'It's funny because it sounds like your saying "Aurora's Makeup" like what's on her face.', Jenn laughs pointing at him.

'It's my YouTube, Jenn.'

She just keeps laughing and Connor was so confused. I akwardly "dance" for the camera and Connor does the same.

'I'm good!', Jenn says sitting up.

Connor starts scrolling through his Twitter and reads off questions.

'Alright. Favourite song currently?'

'Buy ordinary on iTunes!', Jenn shouts.

'I don't have one really.', Connor shrugs. 'Somebody that I used to know is a dope song.'

'Ghost by Halsey hands fu-freakin down!', I say correcting a swear because it was Connors channel.

Another A/N I'm sorry!: I realise Connor swears now but he kept it pg back then so! P.S. I dont actually know these thing about Jenn or Connor and I feel stupid bc I used to they just slipped my mind as reading this.

'What's your favourite singer?'

I jump into the camera and throw my hands in the air before smashing my shoulder on the ground. 'Shawn Mendes!'

'Taylor?', Jenn says holding in her laugh.

'Probably Trevor.', Connor jokes.

'Ugh your cheesy bye.', I say walking out then coming back because they were taking mad shots down there.

'It's scary out there man.'

Connor and Jenn burst out laughing and there faces turned red. I stood in front of the camera. 'I guess I own this channel now hey guys Aura is here!'

We finished the video then just hung out while cups were breaking downstairs. We'd make them clean up there mess later.


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