Chapter 6

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I'm back and better than before. Sorry for not uploading but news hit me bad. Anyway here's the story and please vote :)

Next update would probably in a week but I'll try to get it quicker than that.

Picture of Elise's bedroom on the side. Really like this one and I would like to have it -->



In between the cars were Kai, Irella and Reese all talking, I wonder why. They seemed to be having an intimate conversation. If only I had super hearing, I was interested on what their conversation was about. I hoped Kai was talking about me *sigh* that would be the highlight of my week.

They finished talking about five minutes later but before leaving, all three of them looked at my direction. I just stood there looking at them as well. Reese was the first to break eye contact with me, he nodded once to Kai and then dragged his girlfriend into his blue car. Kai was still looking at me, he gave me his dimpled smile and got into the red car, similar to Reese's car except for the colour. I stood frozen still as both cars pulled outta the car park, which was nearly empty apart from teacher's cars, and drove off for the second time today.

I stood there for about another five minutes before forcing myself to walk. I arrived at the front gates of my house twenty minutes later due to my slow walking. I opened the door to find no-one inside. I shouted out loud to the house only to be greeted with my own echo.

 I found a note, pinned up on the notice board near the kitchen door in my moms writing, that said:

' Gone shopping for food for your dad's guest gathering/meeting thing tonight. Jason's gone to pick up the twins and they're staying at your grandparents house. Suzie has already cleaned the house so she has gone home since she's done. Be back soon, clothes are up stairs on your bed. xx'

I forgot about my dads meeting today. Probably thinking about Kai and my school.......Phhh, haha not school, just Kai! But I promised my dad I'll be there for him so Kai can wait as family comes first.

I walked up the stairs and along the corridors to my room and it looked cleaner than before.  Probably from Suzie cleaning.

My room has fluffy, white carpet layed on the ground like snow; purple and blue patterned pillows layed on my black rounded bed and had a white duvet that matched my carpet on top. Their was door on the right side of the bed that lead me to the bathroom and flames engulfed the fireplace next to the door. On the opposite side of my bed stood my purple drawers that helped stand my lamp and other things. There was a room connected to the bedroom which led me to my big, lighting mirror and a window on the right side of it, giving me the perfect view of outside. Near the left side of my bed was another door that led me into my big walk-in closet. Hung above the center of my room was a black, squared ceiling lampshade that had dangling flowers that hung low near to the ground.  ( A/N I am so bad at describing, so sorry for that but I wanted to write about the bedroom, even though there will be a pic )

My room, I think, looks really good, colourful and fits my style!! Anyway, I needed to get ready for tonight.

I looked over to my bed to find a green, knee-high dress that looked absolutely gorgeous. It was a one strap dress and along the the strap were green, sparkly flowers. The material of the dress was puffy at the bottom, which made it fairytale like, and at the middle of the dress was a satin material belt with a big flower placed on the left side. Along the bottom of the dress were little flowers to add a finishing touch.

I took a quick shower to make myself clean and presentable and to relax me. Once done I quickly got ready as I had 45 minutes left till it struck six o'clock.

What I did with my hair was I curled it a little to make soft waves and left it down. my makeup, I decided to apply a layer of eyeliner, thick mascara to make my olden-green eyes stand out and put on rosy pink lipstick to my lips. I got out my high heels, also green, from my walk-in closet and looked at myself. My final product,  to my eyes, looked good! Who knew a 16 year old girl could do this. I rock!!

By the time I finished, I could hear the front door opening and voices talking to each other. Curious as to who was at the door and who my parents were working with, I exited my room and walked down the staircase. My heels clicked as I walked across the marble flooring to where the voices led me, which was the sitting room.

I peered over the wall to see a two adults, their backs turned around so I couldn't see them, talking to my parents. Suzie entered the room with a tray of refreshments and confectionery for the guests and us. Puzzled, I thought she went home. All eyes turned to the doorway as she appeared and so did I.

The man and woman were about the same age as my parents., late thirties-late forties, and greeted me with warm,dark eyes. The woman was wearing a red, formal dress with her dark hair in a bun. The man was wearing a grey suit, something that my dad would wear, and his hair was turning grey. They both had tanned skin and both gave me a curious look saying 'Who are you?' but smiled politely.

I smiled at them in return, they seemed like nice people. My dad clapped his hands once and stood up, making his way over to me.

"Ahh Elise, there you are." He said, looking at me in disapproval for being late. It was only like a couple minutes, not fifteen.

"Sorry, I arrived home a little late but I wanted to be presentable to the guests." I replied to my father, giving him an apologetic smile.

"Well as long as you're here, that's fine." He said, "Elise I would like you to meet the Zacharias family." Hmmm... that sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I greeted the family anyways and sat down on the couch opposite my parents.

"Joel here will be working with me on this new project I'm doing and Belle will be helping your mother with her fashion comeback." He explained.

"May I ask you a question?" The woman, Belle, asked me.

"Of course, what is it?" I replied.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The question knocked me off guard. Heat rose up to my cheeks of embarrassment as I do not. My hands started to get clammy and got a little scared.

"Um, I don't Miss."

"Please call me Belle and surely you should. A beautiful girl like yourself should definitely have one, why wouldn't any lads want to have you?"

Oh gosh, this is soooo embarrassing. Please save me before it's too late. I was stuttering to reply but no words came out. The man, Joel, laughed at his wife and my reaction. He put me out of the embarrassment by saying,

"Just leave the poor girl alone Belle. The poor girl is still young so she has nothing to lose. Anyway, what school do you go to and what year are you in?"

"I go to Whiterose High and I'm in Year 11. Next year will be my last year before I graduate." ( A/N I know in the UK, you study until Year 11 and then go to Uni or college or wherever but in this book I'm stretching it. You'll see why later )

"Ohh, so your in the same year and school as my son."

"Your what sorry?" I didn't know anyone with a surname Zacharias and I knew everyone in the school so what does he mean. Who was his son?

"My son." Belle replied.

Just then I heard car tyres park in the driveway, doors shutting, footsteps scraping across the gravel in the front yard and a loud knock on the door. I stood up to answer the door with my parents, Belle and Joel behind me. One twist on the doorknob was all it took for me to go in shock as the person in front of  my eyes was none other than Kai.

"Elise, Ben and Vicky, I'd like you to meet our son, Kai." Belle said. "He will be staying with you, Elise, while myself, Joel and your parents travel across the globe for our jobs."








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