Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for not posting for a while. Been busy and having writers block. I know the storyline and I know I can do this but it's hard getting the words out if you know what I mean. Also, went to London for YFC conference + sightseeing, celebrated my mams birthday, been sick and other things. To make it up for you, I will be posting two chapters and they both will be longer than what I normally do. How about that?.....

Also, on Chapter 4 I have put up a picture of Reese's car so you can see it. Really nice car I think! And changed the cover of my book. Just changed it to a better font and colours. Maybe delete it and add it? That's what I do if a person changes the cover and it works!

Dress Elise is wearing is on the side.

Anyway enough rambling and if you may do so, read! :)





I just stood there staring at Kai. I probably looked like a gaping fish looking for words to say to him and ask him why he's here. I heard Belle saying something and it took a while to process them before I finally fully understood.

Something about Kai.....staying......parents......travelling and something to do with time. What on Earth are they going on about? Think Elise, think! I was in a gormo (daydreaming) for a while until.....BOOM!! All the pieces fit together and it hit me like a wooden door.

No, seriously, I was a little light headed after thinking hard and the news.

My head collided with the hard surface (twice today) and I was falling to the floor from the impact. The landing was softer than I thought. I opened my eyes to find Kai right next to me, supporting me with his arm, and the adults looking worriedly over me and asking if I was okay.

I could only manage a nod as for I was weak. I tried to get up but failed miserably. My legs felt like jelly. Kai noticed this and helped me stand up. Feeling a little better I started to talk,

"Wait what!! Kai' staying here while you guys go travel?! For how long? Where are you going? Do we have enough food? What about the twins? Where will he (*points to Kai*) be staying cause he's definitely not staying with me? I need privacy! How do you expect me to cope looking after three people under one roof? I can't even look after myself properly! Can I still go out? I have a life you know!" I babbled.

"Shh, honey, breathe! Take deep breaths and calm down." My mother interrupted. I did as I was told as for now I was hyperventilating. I breathed in and out until my breathing was back to normal or alright.....ish. I was little over reacting with the news but how am I gonna survive with Kai under the same roof as me? Who knows how long he's staying here. A week, a month, a year!! Oh gosh I was already tired and the night hasn't even started yet. I started to speak slowly since  wanted answers.

"Where are you going and what about the twins?" I asked my dad, my head hurt like mad!

"We're travelling across Asia, Europe and America while the twins stay her. I've called your grandparents to come look after you."

I braced myself for the nest question.

"How long will yous be gone?" I said, almost in a whisper.

"Ermm, probably 6 months, give or take. I'm sorry but we will not be here for your birthday dear." My mother responded this time.

 "This is the only time we can work along side with these people. We'll make sure to call you from time to time and when we come back, we'll arrange a late birthday party if you want." Mom said, giving my shoulders a rub.

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