Jackson x Pamala

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They are so cute! Their romance was well-developed, the buildup and payoff were so fun to watch, and I love how they disliked each other in the beginning.

Their relationship dynamic seems to fall into the "girlboss x malewife" trope, which is one that I really love yet I feel like I rarely see. Pamala and Jackson's personalities are both really compatible because of how sweet each of them are, though Jackson doesn't seem to trust Pamala as much as she trusts him.

There have been multiple instances where Jackson has kept important information from Pamala (both when it came to telling her about Exer's powers and when he found out about his own powers) and overall their relationship seems weaker because of it. Jackson in general has really bad communication problems though. Pamala is a good communicator, which is just what Jackson needs.

-What do you think?

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