ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1

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She stood at the threshold of his room, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. The tension in the air was so heavy, that her heart was racing. He stood there looking at her with cold eyes.

"Deepak, you aren't how you used to be," she whispered, her voice shaking with sorrow and frustration. She took a step closer.

His expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. "Get out," he said sharply. The words cut through the silence like a knife.

She flinched, her heart breaking. "Deepak, please listen to me. Try to under-"

"Get out of my room!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls, cutting through her.

She stood frozen, his harsh words echoing in my mind. Memories of a different Deepak flooded her senses, a Deepak who once held her with tenderness and spoke words that mended her wounds. A flashback consumed her thoughts.

"Seeing you hurt breaks my heart," Deepak had said, his eyes filled with genuine concern as he cupped her face gently. His touch was a balm, his words a promise of unwavering support. He had vowed to protect her from any pain, yet here he was, inflicting the very wounds he once swore to heal.

Her mind swirled with confusion and pain. How had they come to this? How could things go so wrong? What should she do now?

With a heavy heart, she turned, picked up my lehenga, and walked out.

'You deserve this after all that has happened there is no way he will be like before.' She thought to herself.

Before? She had thought about it when everything was fine, and there were no responsibilities. It was the beginning of everything, everything that changed them and made them who we are. It happened around seven years ago on an autumn day.



It was the time of autumn a season when life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. The second semester is about to start today which means I'm almost reaching the end of my high-school life in just a few months. I was more than happy to even think since I've never actually liked going to school.

Wait! Don't take me wrong, I ain't some brat who hates studying instead I love studying and maths has been my favorite subject since the day I found that it is actually easier to solve problems than to find why water is wet and the air is invisible. Like why would I be even interested in knowing this?

Anyways my life revolves around just a few things and they are study , anime , food, sleep and fictional characters.Yeah, love for fictional characters sound crazy I know but it is easier to tell ILY to someone you will never be able to meet. I ain't ready to do this shit in real life cuz I'm just fucking scared and no one has ever taken my interest. Okay, I have finally reached my classroom.

I kept my bag and ran straight to my bestie's classroom. Yeah, we aren't in the same class anymore cuz I backed off from our plan of taking biology. I took computer science.

"Hey", I went inside her classroom and sat beside her.

"Hii", she said.

"What are you looking at?", I asked noticing her staring at the crowd of students who were standing in the corridor.

"It's just 8 am and why the hell are they so loud"

"Stop sulking it's good to be lively and not everyone is a typical introvert like you."

"This is so freaking irritating"

"Come let's go out and get fresh air"

We walked around the school grounds and entered our respective classrooms while the bell rang.

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