Family hearing

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I walked out the door and struck a pose. The kids gave an applause and I asked them, "Does this outfit make me look like Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon?" The security started to laugh. Xavier casually put down the newspaper as the kids started to complain. They demanded to know which moron called me fat. I raised my hand and finally Edge asked me, "Who had the audacity to call you fat? Does this person have some sort of death wish? I mean how stupid can a person get?" Then the others started to complain. Sasha cracked her knuckles. I raised my hand and the kids went quiet. I took a deep breath and braced for impact as I said, "Arden didn't exactly call me fat." The kids started to Boo. I raised my hand as I continued, "The last time I went to dinner with him I wore a sophisticated outfit he said I looked like I was going to jump on the millennium falcon and go to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy. I need to look mature and not too forward." Dash growled, "He had the nerve to say that you were leaving us and vanish without a trace. He must have confused you with Angie. Didn't we tell him about her?" Everyone calmed down and I sat to have a glass of water. Posh waved his hand saying that I need to switch pants since the top and bottom don't match.

When I came out with clothes that Posh approved of. Xavier was observing as the kids convene a family hearing. I was told to sit on the right side. The judge was Anon. The prosecutor was Tank. Anon hit the tiny hammer on the table, "Mini Mom please stop imagining us walking around in diapers for a moment." The triplets nod their heads adorably. I shook mine, "I raised you so it is impossible not to imagine you in diapers. Most especially since the first time you sat as a judge you came back from the hospital and wore diapers since you weren't confident enough to put on underwear" Anon made a face and the others started to whine and I said, "Let's get this hearing with before Arden gets here" Sasha came as my lawyer while Fin sat to write down what was happening in the court room. The kids each took turns informing the judge that they wanted to place Arden in the no-no list. They are annoyed that he had the nerve to make them orphans. First they had assumed he called me fat. That was bad enough but this was worse.

They took a twenty minute break where jury duty was assigned. Xavier had to raise his hand and was sworn in. He tried to keep a straight face but in the end he burst out laughing. The jury deliberated and it was a tie. Since it involves me they couldn't ask me to vote so in the end Arden got a stern warning. He promised to behave as he escorted me to his favourite blues club. We had fun and he drove me home safely. The kids waited at the door and Xavier watched as I hugged my kids before walking inside. I had to spend the next hour telling them exactly what we talked about.

The cook came with some soup and the kids started to scream. JJ angrily said, "GG is not on a diet. She is not fat so take back the soup. Bring her a burger or lasagna." Xavier asked, "GG" Sasha retorted, "Gorgeous Grandma" the security smiled. Xavier on the other hand was taken by surprise. Diana waved her hand, "Pizza" Everyone said in unison "NO" Diana has been eating too many pizzas so she is temporarily forbidden to eat it. Right now she is eating spaghetti, Momo and whatever we put on her plate. There was a time when she was just like her mother. She would eat anything on her plate as long as there were a few french fries for her to nibble on. 'Mom made food' felt like it was just yesterday and now it has passed. So now she likes to cook and experiment with her food. Thankfully she still likes to eat meat.

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