Chapter Nine: Second Thoughts & Cooler?!

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She gets up abruptly. "I... I need to go." She leaves the house, that seemed to sting.

Frieza watches as Orion leaves abruptly, a pang of guilt momentarily flitting across his face. He didn't mean to say it so... bluntly. But his pride prevented him from apologizing or expressing any form of regret.

16, who had silently observed the exchange, turns to Frieza, his usual stoic expression giving way to a hint of disapproval.

"That was... needlessly cruel."

Frieza scoffs, brushing off 16's words with a flippant wave.

"Oh, please. It was just a bit of harmless banter. And if she can't handle it, that's her problem, not mine." He huffs, trying to hide the fact that he's slightly bothered by Orion's abrupt departure.

Gero, who had also been observing the exchange, shakes his head, clearly disappointed in Frieza's response.

"You went too far Frieza. Orion is doing everything she can to help you, and you dismiss her efforts like they're nothing. It's no wonder she left."

Frieza glares at Gero, his pride bristling at the criticism. He crosses his arms, his tone defensive.

"I didn't ask for her help. And just because she decided to be some self-righteous do-gooder and try to 'save me' doesn't mean I have to be grateful for her meddling."

Gero sighs, exasperated by Frieza's stubbornness. He pinches the bridge of his nose, as if trying to stave off a headache.

"You don't have to be grateful, Frieza, but showing some respect and decency wouldn't hurt either. Orion cares about you, in her own way, and you just pushed her away like some annoying fly."

Frieza scoffs, his expression hardening.

"I don't need her care or her respect. I'm the Emperor of the Universe, I demand fear and respect from everyone, not... whatever it is she's trying to give me."

16 chimes in again, his tone as stoic and level as ever.

"By that logic, no one respects you. They obey you out of fear or self-preservation, not out of any positive emotion."

Frieza bristles at that, clearly not liking the truth of 16's words. He glares at the android, his pride wounded.

"You think you're quite clever, don't you, 16? But it doesn't matter. Fear and respect are the same thing when it comes down to it. And that's all I need."

Gero speaks up again, his tone firm and no-nonsense.

"No, Frieza, they aren't. Fear can lead to obedience, but it's not respect. Real respect comes from something more than just fearing the consequences of disobedience."

Frieza scoffs again, but his expression falters slightly. He's not used to being challenged like this, especially not in his own domain. He glares at Gero, his voice edged with annoyance.

"And how would you know anything about respect, hm? You're just a scientist who builds androids."

Gero meets Frieza's glare with a stoic expression, unflinching. He responds in a calm, almost pitying tone.

"I may be a scientist, but I also know that respect is earned, not demanded. And trust me, the way you're treating Orion isn't earning you any."

Frieza opens his mouth to protest, his pride bristling at Gero's words. But then he closes it, biting back whatever retort he was about to make. There's a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, a hint of doubt. But it's quickly masked by his usual haughty demeanor.

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