Chapter Twenty-Four: Operation, Insemination

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For the remainder of her birthday she spent celebrating and opening gifts until she was done. At the end of the day, she had Cell and Zarbon go with her to Gero in the Lab in her home. She arrived and without Gero asking. "Zarbon offered to give the DNA Sample." 

Dr. Gero, expecting the trio's arrival, looked up from his workbench and nodded in acknowledgment. His expression was serious, his focus shifted from the various scientific instruments and gadgets around the lab to the task at hand. 

"Ah, Cell, Zarbon, Orion. Good, you're here. I've taken the necessary preparations for the insemination procedure. Zarbon, if you're ready, the sample please?" Zarbon nodded, his expression serious and determined. He had mentally prepared himself for this moment.

"I'm ready, Dr. Gero. I have the sample prepared." He handed the sample to Dr. Gero, his hand steady and his gaze unwavering. Dr. Gero took the sample from Zarbon and examined it briefly, satisfied with its contents. He then turned to Orion, his tone practical and business-like.

"Alright, Orion, you know the procedure. Lie back on the examination bed. I'll begin the insemination process." She did so, her heart racing. Dr. Gero approached the examination bed, his movements efficient and precise. He prepared the necessary tools and equipment, his focus entirely on the procedure at hand.

"Just relax, Orion. This will take a few moments, and you may experience some mild discomfort." 

"Of course." 

With the tools and equipment ready, Dr. Gero began the insemination process. He administered local anesthetic to Orion's abdomen, ensuring she would feel minimal discomfort. Then, he carefully placed the sample of Zarbon's DNA into her reproductive system, his hands steady and practiced. She noticed Cell and Zarbon looking nervous as Zarbon held onto Cell. Cell, his hand grasping tightly onto Zarbon's, watched the procedure anxiously. His face was a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. Zarbon's grip on Cell's hand mirrored his own tension. Both men were deeply invested in the outcome of the process. Meanwhile, Dr. Gero continued the insemination procedure, his focus entirely on ensuring it went smoothly. He monitored Orion's vitals closely, checking to make sure she was comfortable and safe throughout the process.

She gave a reassuring smile to the two of them. Cell and Zarbon smiled back, their tension slightly eased by her reassuring gesture. Cell spoke, his voice filled with hope and anticipation. "You're doing great, Orion. We're both right here with you."

Zarbon nodded in agreement, his grip on Cell's hand loosening slightly, but his eyes never leaving Orion's face. "Yes. You're doing amazing, sweetheart. Just a few more moments, and it'll all be done." 

"Mhm. Of course anything for my friends." 

Dr. Gero continued the procedure, checking the instruments and monitoring Orion's vitals. After a few more moments, he finished the insemination process and stepped back, his expression satisfied. 

"There. The insemination is complete. Now we'll have to wait and see if it takes."

"Of course how long?" Dr. Gero checked the instruments and noted some readings, his expression thoughtful.

"It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for the embryo to implant and for you to get a positive pregnancy test. We'll need to monitor your hormone levels and other indicators to confirm if the insemination was a success." 

nodded. "When do you want me back here?" Dr. Gero considered her question, his expression becoming slightly stern again.

"For now, there's no need to come back yet. I'll let you know when you need to come back for some tests and observations. But I must emphasize the importance of taking it easy and avoiding any strenuous activities. It's crucial for the implantation to be successful." 

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