Chapter Twenty: Little Kuriza

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The remaining hours of the day with Orion had her more sluggish and drained of Energy. She was unable to play with Kid Buu or even train with Goku or the others. She shot up from the couch and gags throwing up behind the couch.

Goku is in the middle of sparring with Vegeta when he hears Orion gag and throw up behind the couch.

He stops mid-punch and turns to see what's going on. The others also pause their activities, looking over in concern.

"Orion? You feeling okay?" Goku calls out, a worried expression on his face.

"Uuurgh. It's not a big deal. Why are you two sparring in my house?"

Goku scratches his head sheepishly, looking sheepish

"Sorry, we just wanted a bit of space to spar, and your house was closest."

Veget nods, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, and we weren't expecting you to be lying on the couch."

"Uurgh. Get out. I don't feel good. I feel like shit."

Both Goku and Vegeta look concerned, noticing that she's clearly not feeling well, judging by her pale face and sluggish movements

Goku steps forward, a worried look in his eyes.

"Are you sure you're alright? You don't look so good."

"No shit sherlock." She snaps.

Goku flinches at her snappy tone, taken aback by her sudden outburst. Even Vegeta looks slightly stunned, not used to seeing her so irritated.

Goku scratches the back of his head.

"Hey, there's no need to be snarky. We're just worried about you."

She punched a hole in the wall startling Gero who was in the living room at the table working on blueprints to expand the house, Orion stomps off angered.

Gero jumps as Orion punches a hole in the wall, his heart racing as he turns to look at her. Her sudden outburst had startled him, and he watches with surprise as she stomps away.

Goku and Vegeta exchange a glance, both equally surprised and confused by Orion's behaviour. Goku walks up to Gero, still concerned.

"What was that all about? I've never seen her act that way before." Vegeta snorts, his arms crossed.

"Who knows? She's been acting weird all day."

Gero pushes his glasses up his nose, still a bit shaken up by Orion's display of anger.

"I believe she is sick," he says, his voice serious. "She has been unwell since this morning. Perhaps that has contributed to her unusual behavior."

Goku's eyes widen in concern "She's sick? But she seemed fine earlier." 

Vegeta grunts in agreement. "Yeah, something's definitely wrong if she's punching holes in the wall."

Gero nods, adjusting his glasses once again

"Indeed. It's unusual for her to act out like that. She must really not feel well if she's resorting to physical outbursts."

Orion began to destroy things outside she was irritated. The sound of crashing and banging can be heard outside as Orion wreaks havoc on the surroundings. Goku and Vegeta exchanged a worried glance. They had never seen Orion act this way before. Goku spoke up anxiously, a hint of concern in his voice "What's she doing out there?" 

Vegeta grunts, crossing his arms. "Sounds like she's taking out her frustration on the environment." Goku nods in agreement, a worried look in his eyes.

"Yeah, and she's really going at it. We should go check on her."

She gags again and vomited behind a tree. Goku and Vegeta hear the gagging sound, and they immediately rush outside to see what's going on. They find her behind a tree, looking pale and unwell as she vomits. Goku rushes over to her, placing a comforting hand on her back 

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