Chapter Eighteen: Lord Beerus, The Super Saiyan God & Milestones!

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Weeks passed and It's Bulma's 38th Birthday she invited Orion and her friends as with the Z-Fighters to attend it. Currently they were all having fun when Beerus appeared with Whis.

"Oh. Lord Beerus, welcome. I suppose you're here to find the Super Saiyan God, right? Hm. You want to see it. And well you threaten to blow up this planet we finally get it... And... Hm. You still want to blow it up, is that right?" She accurately said.

Beerus, along with Whis, appeared in the lively gathering celebrating Bulma's 38th birthday. He looked around, taking in the scene before him when Orion approached and addressed him directly

Beerus smirked, amused by Orion's astute observations

"Well, look who's a little psychic. You're not wrong, you know. I am here searching for this so-called Super Saiyan God. As for blowing up this planet, well that depends... if the food's good enough, I might reconsider."

As Beerus made his nonchalant comment about the food, the Z-Fighters exchanged nervous glances. They knew Beerus's penchant for temper tantrums all too well, and the last thing they wanted is a ticked-off God of Destruction on their hands

Orion, however, remained calmly composed, not showing any signs of intimidation in the face of Beerus's veiled threat

"Interesting..." She's currently a hang out spot for Kid Buu to hang on her back while Venus is asleep in her front carrier.

Kid Buu is contentedly perched on Orion's back, watching the scene unfold with curious, wide eyes. His hands clutch onto her shoulders, his small fingers digging into her shirt

Meanwhile, Venus is quietly resting in her front carrier, completely oblivious to the potential chaos unfolding around them

"Lord Beerus surely exploding a planet just because the food sucks ass is not beneficial at all."

Beerus chuckles at Orion's blunt remark. He seems amused by her frankness, his smile broadening into a wry grin

"You have a point there, I suppose. But remember, I'm a God of Destruction, not a food critic. I don't exactly have a Yelp account for rating planets' cuisines, you know."

The Z-Fighters watch the interaction between Beerus and Orion with a mix of trepidation and amazement.

Goku, ever the optimistic one, grins and chimes in, eager to appease the God of Destruction

"Hey, don't worry about the food, Lord Beerus. Bulma's throwing a party today, and she always makes sure the food is top-notch. You'll love it, I promise!"

Beerus glances over at Goku, his expression somewhat skeptical at first. But then he shrugs and smirks

"Well, well, well, if the legendary Son Goku himself gives a food recommendation, I guess I'll give it a try. But don't think I'll hold back on my opinion if it's less than stellar."

Goku grins at Beerus's response, clearly pleased to have gained the God of Destruction's attention. The other Z-Fighters exchange hopeful glances, silently praying that the food would live up to Beerus's standards

Venus awakens and squirms. He whines.

As Venus stirs in his carrier, he lets out a plaintive whine, signaling his need for attention. He looks around, his tired gaze taking in the surroundings before he spots Orion

Orion feels the stirring on her chest and looks down, seeing the tired, whining face of little Venus. She reaches up and begins to gently soothe him, rubbing his back and trying to calm his fussiness

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