Chapter Sixteen: Pudding Time!

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"Kid Buu. You want some pudding?" Said Orion to the kid.

Kid Buu's eyes light up at the mention of pudding. He looks up at Orion with a big, eager grin.

"Pudding! Kid Buu want pudding!"

"Okay let's go." She gets off the couch and into the kitchen where she made Vanilla Pudding.

Kid Buu follows her excitedly into the kitchen, practically bouncing with every step. The prospect of pudding has completely distracted him from Frieza's grumpy demeanor.

She mixed in the milk with pudding.

Kid Buu watches with wide eyes as she mixes the pudding with milk. The anticipation on his face is palpable as he waits for the pudding to be complete

"Kid Buu want pudding now!" He exclaims, almost drooling in eagerness

She chuckles. "Alright sit down so I can feed you."

Kid Buu grins widely, his excitement growing as he hears her words. He quickly hops up onto a chair and sits down, bouncing a bit in his seat as he waits

"Kid Buu sit! Kid Buu hungry!"

She chuckles and spoons up some pudding and feeds him like a toddler.

Kid Buu opens his mouth wide, practically gulping down the spoonful of pudding that Orion offers him. He has a big, enthusiastic smile on his face, clearly enjoying the treat

"Mmm! Pudding good!" He exclaims with childish glee

She giggles and continues.

Kid Buu continues to greedily devour the pudding, his appetite seemingly insatiable. He happily opens his mouth for each spoonful that Orion offers, practically slurping it up like a hungry toddler

"More pudding! Kid Buu want more!" He demands, his eyes sparkling with excitement

She continued.

Kid Buu eagerly accepts each spoonful of pudding that Orion offers, his face gradually becoming covered in pudding-y streaks as he chows down on the treats. Despite the mess, he seems blissfully content, his eyes glimmering with happiness

"Pudding yummy! Kid Buu love pudding!" He exclaims, giggling and licking his lips as he waits for the next spoonful

"Okay last one. Then you need to take a nap." She scoops the last up and feeds him.

Kid Buu opens his mouth wide once more, accepting the last spoonful of pudding with a happy, messy grin. He lets out a satisfied "Mmm" sounds as he swallows the gooey treat

"Last one? Kid Buu full, but want more!" He complains, his hands reaching out for more despite his obvious fullness

"Buu. You're full. Come on. Sleepytime."

Kid Buu pouts, his usual defiant stubbornness rearing its head at the mention of sleep. He crosses his arms and huffs

"Buu not want nap! Buu not tired!" He insists, despite his obvious fullness and drooping eyelids

She sighs and grabs out a napkin trying to wipe off Buu's face but he kept on trying to push her away like a toddler.

Kid Buu squirms and fusses as Orion tries to wipe his face clean with the napkin. He swats at her hands, trying to push her away, just like a willful toddler resisting a bath

"No! No wiping! Buu not dirty!" He protests, his face still covered in pudding remnants

Raditz and Nappa walks in.

Raditz and Nappa enter the room and spot the scene unfolding before them: Orion wrestling with a sticky, pudding-covered Kid Buu who vehemently resists having his face wiped clean

"Oh hey you two." Orion said exasperated.

Raditz and Nappa exchange amused glances and chuckle at the sight before them. Nappa speaks up first, a smirk on his face

"Looks like someone had a bit too much pudding," Nappa jokes.

Raditz nods in agreement, a grin on his face as he adds "Yeah, and someone doesn't want their face cleaned up either, it seems."

Kid Buu, who is still trying to swat away Orion's attempts to clean his face, pouts and shoots a glare at Raditz and Nappa

"Buu not dirty! No wipe face!" He protests, his voice petulant and stubborn

"It is Buu. Calm down."

Kid Buu huffs and crosses his arms, still resisting the idea of having his face cleaned. He looks up at Orion, a stubborn pout on his pudding-smeared face

"But Buu not like wipes! Buu fine!" He argues, clearly not ready to give in

She sighs. "Do you want more pudding after nap time then?"

Kid Buu's eyes widen at the mention of more pudding after a nap. He considers this, his pout softening a bit as he ponders the offer

"More pudding after nap...?" He asks, the temptation of more pudding warring with his aversion to a nap

"Yes. If you let me wipe your face."

Kid Buu hesitates for a moment, clearly not liking the idea of having his face wiped but also wanting more pudding. After a few moments of internal struggle, he gives in with a huff

"Fine. Wipe, then more pudding."
He relents, grudgingly allowing Orion to clean his sticky, pudding-covered face

She does that. "Alright nap time and by the time you wake up the pudding should -" there's a sound of a crash and she gasps.

Kid Buu grumbles as Orion gently wipes his face clean. Once she finishes, he looks up at her, his face now clean and free of pudding smears

"Pudding soon?" He asks, hopeful

Suddenly, the sound of a crash from somewhere else in the house interrupts the moment. Orion gasps in surprise as the noise echoes through the air

"Buu stay here." She orders running outside before being punched by... A saiyan. He looks like Goku but isn't. His skin is grey and dark. Orion is sent to the floor groaning.

Kid Buu blinks in confusion as Orion suddenly leaves, telling him to stay put. Before he can ask what's going on, the sound of a scuffle breaks the silence

He cautiously peeks out the door to see a Saiyan that looks eerily like Goku standing there, having just punched Orion and sent her stumbling to the ground

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