Chapter Seventeen: Turles

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Kid Buu's eyes widen at the sight. The Saiyan's appearance and actions confuses him, and he can feel a bit of worry welling up in him for Orion's safety

"Who... who dat?" He mutters to himself, watching the situation unfold with growing concern

"Who are you?" Orion asks the Saiyan getting up.

The Saiyan, who looks like Goku but with grey skin and a darker complexion, smirks at Orion as she gets up. His eyes gleam with a mix of arrogance and aggression

"Who I am, huh?" He chuckles coldly. "You're about to find out."


The Saiyan's smirk broadens into a menacing grin as he takes a step forward, his body tensed and ready for a fight. He looks down at Orion, his gaze filled with arrogant superiority.

"Yeah, you bet I'm gonna give you quite the introduction. And it won't be a pleasant one, I can assure you of that."

Kid Buu, still watching the scene unfold, is increasingly worried about Orion's safety. He doesn't understand what's going on, but the Saiyan's aggressive demeanor and the threat in his words don't bode well

"Turles. Why are you here? You're not going to get the Tree of Might this way..." She accurately said.

The Saiyan, who is Turles, sneers at Orion's words. He seems a bit taken aback by her knowledge of his goals

"Impressive. You know who I am and what I want. But you're wrong if you think I'm here to play nice and ask for what I want." He replies, his voice cold and menacing.

"No but you're going to get your ass inside and get redeemed."

Turles lets out a cold, mocking laugh at Orion's words. He seems amused by her determination but also annoyed by her defiant attitude

"Redeemed, you say? You actually think you can redeem me? That's cute. But I have no interest in being a good little Saiyan. I'm here for the Tree of Might, and I'm going to get it. Simple as that."

"Nope too bad." She grabs him and takes him inside.

Turles is a bit taken aback by Orion's audacity. He struggles against her grip, growling and trying to break free

"What the- hey! Let me go!" He protests, clearly not happy about being manhandled inside

"Don't care."

Turles continues to struggle against her grip as she drags him indoors. He's clearly not one to go down without a fight, and he makes a few attempts to break free

"You can't just drag me around, damn it! Let go of me!" He snaps, his irritation growing by the second


Turles growls in frustration, his attempts to break free growing increasingly desperate. He's not accustomed to being so easily overpowered, and it's clearly fueling his anger

"You'll regret this! I'm not some easy mark, you know!" He threatens, his tone filled with hostility

"Yet the other Saiyan's here are. You're all talk and no cattle."

Turles's expression darkens even further at Orion's words. He's not used to being dismissed so easily, and her confident tone is clearly getting under his skin

"Talk and no cattle, huh? You think you know me so well, do you? I'm a force to be reckoned with, and I'll prove it soon enough, damn it!"

"Zarbon we got another Cell Situation here!"

Turles's eyes widen as Orion calls out to someone named "Zarbon". He doesn't know who that is, but the mention of a "Cell situation" seems to ignite a flicker of recognition

"Cell situation? What the hell are you talking about?" He demands, his irritation replaced by a mix of curiosity and wariness

Before Orion can respond to Turles's question, the sound of footsteps echoes through the room. Then, another figure enters. This one is a tall, flamboyant man with a sneering expression on his face

Turles looks at the newcomer with a mix of skepticism and caution. He doesn't recognize the man immediately, but there's something about his appearance and demeanor that seems vaguely unsettling

"Zarbon. You mind getting Turles aquatinted with our cause? Like how Cell did? In fact Cell can help since the two of you are best friends now."

The man, Zarbon, smirks as Orion's request, clearly amused by the idea. He turns to Turles, who looks increasingly confused and wary

"Oh, this should be good," Zarbon says with a sneer. "Cell will have a field day with this one.

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