Chapter 45: The Herbivore/Carnivore Revolution

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(Cherryton City, The Final Assualt)

(Cherryton City, The Final Assualt)

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Legoshi: Hey, Knight.

Knight: Legoshi, glad you're here! How's Louis's dad doing?

Legoshi: We just sent him to a medical center and he should be able to receive the medical attention he needs.

Knight: Good. That's good, at least someone will have a good chance of staying alive from this war. How's Louis taking it?

Legoshi: We'll, despite the fact that his father had been a part of the TechnoMaster Army, he still loves him although he won't say the same for how the rest of society sees him now. Now they consider him a traitor to his own.

Knight: I see. Well, I'll see what I can do for him after the fight is over. Hopefully it will be over.

Legoshi: I hope so too.

Knight: It has to end tonight!


Shadow: Sir, Knight's forces have been spotted in the western portion of the city! And we've been getting reports from our last remaining outer units that they might be preparing for a ground Assualt!

Savage Blade: What do we do sir?

TechnoMaster: Have all units move to the center areas and prepare for a siege, and have the remaining heavy weapons moved inside the ships! And get me Admiral Tsunami's First Naval Squadron! I want everything we have airlifted out of there now!!!

Shadow: Yes sir!

Melon: Sir I have some news!

TechnoMaster: What is it?

Melon: I just got some reports from our scouts that Knight has laid some artillery down on the west side of the Black Market walls and rebel forces have been spotted within the Market area!

TechnoMaster: Anything else?

Melon: Oh that's not all sir, I also have some theories that those Gumi leaders are more likely to betray you!

TechnoMaster: How do you know?

Melon: One of my spies told me that they were considering to secede and join Knight and that they think what you are doing here is wrong!

TechnoMaster: If that is true, then we must prevent this from happening! General, organize a small group of soldiers and have Melon with you to arrest these traitors!!!

General Eyepatch: Yes sir!

TechnoMaster: I want them locked up for good!


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